Acronym | Definition |
RFS➣Reason for Selling |
RFS➣Renewable Fuels Standard |
RFS➣Repetitive Flexible Supply |
RFS➣Rural Fire Service (New South Wales, Australia) |
RFS➣Recurrence-Free Survival (oncology) |
RFS➣Radio Frequency Systems (Meriden, CT) |
RFS➣Ready for School (education initiative) |
RFS➣Ready for Shipping |
RFS➣Recipe for Success (various organizations) |
RFS➣Relapse-Free Survival |
RFS➣Road Feeder Service (shipping) |
RFS➣Radio Frequency Subsystem |
RFS➣Radio Frequency Switch |
RFS➣Replica Based File System |
RFS➣Request For Service |
RFS➣Revue Française de Sociologie (French: French Journal of Sociology; est. 1960) |
RFS➣Remote File Server |
RFS➣Remote File System |
RFS➣Review of Financial Studies (journal; Yale University) |
RFS➣Remote File Sharing |
RFS➣Responsible Fishing Scheme (European Fisheries Fund) |
RFS➣Radio Free Skaro (Doctor Who podcast) |
RFS➣Rules for Submission |
RFS➣Ready For Service |
RFS➣Registrar of Friendly Societies |
RFS➣Request for Subsitution (civil engineering) |
RFS➣Request for Suggestions (various organizations) |
RFS➣Resident and Fellow Section (American Medical Association; Chicago, IL) |
RFS➣Reference Frame Selection (video coding) |
RFS➣Regardless of Feature Size (ANSI Y14.5M engineering drawings & related documentation practices) |
RFS➣Recyclable-Fuel Storage Company (Japan) |
RFS➣Rural Financial System |
RFS➣Retired Faculty Staff (various organizations) |
RFS➣Removed from Service |
RFS➣Registered Financial Specialist |
RFS➣Reaching Forward South (library support conference) |
RFS➣Rail Fleet Services (various locations) |
RFS➣Regardless of Feature Size (geometric dimensioning and tolerancing) |
RFS➣Réseau Francophone de Sociologie (French: Francophone Network of Sociology) |
RFS➣Recoverable File System |
RFS➣Ready for Summon (gaming) |
RFS➣Receive Frame Sync |
RFS➣River Forecast System (NOAA) |
RFS➣Request For Sample |
RFS➣Règles Fondamentales de Sûreté (French: Fundamental Rules of Safety; nuclear power) |
RFS➣Refeeding Syndrome |
RFS➣Run for the Son |
RFS➣Rosalind Franklin Society (New Rochelle, NY) |
RFS➣Reiser File System (Unix file system) |
RFS➣Retailer Financial Services (GE Capital) |
RFS➣Réseau Francophone de Sociolinguistique (French: Francophone Network of Sociolinguistics) |
RFS➣Radio Frequency Surveillance |
RFS➣Renal Fanconi Syndrome |
RFS➣Recursive Frequency Splitting |
RFS➣Roll-Fed Shrink (labeling) |
RFS➣Request for Service Message (FIPS) |
RFS➣Rust Federal Services, Inc. |
RFS➣Resource Formulation System (used by Dept of Army) |
RFS➣Reference Flight System |
RFS➣Referred in the Senate (bill status) |
RFS➣Ready/Readiness for Sea |
RFS➣Request for Subcontract |