释义 |
SIMD (computer science) A type of multiprocessor architecture in which there is a single instruction cycle, but multiple sets of operands may be fetched to multiple processing units and may be operated upon simultaneously within a single instruction cycle. Acronym for single-instruction-stream, multiple-data-stream. SIMDSingle Instruction/Multiple DataSIMD(Single Instruction stream Multiple Data stream) The instruction execution architecture of a vector processor (a CPU or GPU that performs one operation on multiple sets of data simultaneously). It is typically used to add or multiply eight or more sets of numbers at the same time for multimedia encoding and rendering as well as scientific applications. Hardware registers are loaded with numbers, and the mathematical operation is performed on all registers simultaneously. Contrast with SISD and MIMD. See GPU.MedicalSeeSSESIMD
Acronym | Definition |
SIMD➣Single Instruction Multiple Data | SIMD➣Single Instruction-Stream, Multiple Data-Stream | SIMD➣Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (Office of the Chief Statistician; Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) | SIMD➣Surfaces and Interfaces of Mesoscopic Devices (conference) | SIMD➣Substance Induced Mood Disorder | SIMD➣Society of Inherited Metabolic Disorders |