RGAReturn Goods Authorization
RGARepublican Governors Association
RGAReinsurance Group of America
RGARelative Gain Array
RGARandomly Generated Acronym
RGAResidual Gas Analyzer
RGARoyal Garrison Artillery
RGARemote Gambling Association (EU)
RGARefinery Gas Analyzer
RGARules of General Application (Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety; Los Angeles, CA)
RGARestricted Growth Association (UK)
RGARevue de Géographie Alpine (French: Journal of Alpine Geography)
RGARate Gyro Assembly
RGARio Grande, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina (Airport Code)
RGARicegrowers' Association of Australia Inc.
RGAReliability Growth Analysis
RGARainbow Gender Association (Ben Lomond, CA)
RGARèglement Général d'Assainissement (French: General Sanitation Regulations; Belgium and France)
RGAReflection Grating Assembly
RGARadio Golfe d'Amour (French radio station; est. 1981)
RGAReading Guild of Artists (UK)
RGARubber Growers' Association (Malaysia)
RGARapid Generation Advance
RGARegistered Gemologist Appraiser
RGAReduced Gradient Algorithm
RGARussian State Archive for Social/Political History
RGARoyal Global Army (gaming clan)
RGAResidential Gateway Architecture
RGARévision, Gestion, Audit (French: Review, Management, Audit)