Acronym | Definition |
RGF➣Research Governance Framework (UK) |
RGF➣Rio Grande Foundation |
RGF➣Remote Ground Facility (US Air Force) |
RGF➣Rendering Glint Films (Canada) |
RGF➣RapGodFathers (Hip-Hop website) |
RGF➣Rebel Ground Forces (gaming clan) |
RGF➣Rapid Gravity Filter |
RGF➣Royal Gun Factory |
RGF➣Recursos Genéticos Forestales (Spanish: Forest Genetic Resources) |
RGF➣Romanian Gymnastics Federation |
RGF➣Runic Games Fansite (gaming) |
RGF➣Regimes of Granular Flow |
RGF➣RedGoldFish (job search organization) |
RGF➣Razer Games Forum |
RGF➣Really Good Friend |
RGF➣Routage et Gestion de Fichiers (French: Routing and File Management) |
RGF➣Red Gorilla Family (band) |
RGF➣Radio Gods Forum (discussion forum website) |