

单词 sympathetic



S0959300 (sĭm′pə-thĕt′ĭk)adj.1. Of, expressing, feeling, or resulting from sympathy: a sympathetic glance.2. Favorably inclined: not at all sympathetic to her proposal.3. Agreeably suited to one's disposition or mood; congenial: sympathetic surroundings.4. Of, relating to, or acting on the sympathetic nervous system: a sympathetic neuron; sympathetic stimulation.5. a. Relating to or being vibrations, especially musical tones, produced in one body by energy from a nearby vibrating body and having the same frequency as the vibration of the nearby body.b. Emitting such vibrations: sympathetic strings.
[Greek sumpathētikos, from sumpatheia, sympathy; see sympathy.]
sym′pa·thet′i·cal·ly adv.


(ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪk) adj1. characterized by, feeling, or showing sympathy; understanding2. in accord with the subject's personality or mood; congenial: a sympathetic atmosphere. 3. (when: postpositive, often foll by to or towards) showing agreement (with) or favour (towards): sympathetic to the proposals. 4. (Physiology) anatomy physiol of or relating to the division of the autonomic nervous system that acts in opposition to the parasympathetic system accelerating the heartbeat, dilating the bronchi, inhibiting the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, etc. Compare parasympathetic5. (Anatomy) anatomy physiol of or relating to the division of the autonomic nervous system that acts in opposition to the parasympathetic system accelerating the heartbeat, dilating the bronchi, inhibiting the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, etc. Compare parasympathetic6. (General Physics) relating to vibrations occurring as a result of similar vibrations in a neighbouring body: sympathetic strings on a sitar. ˌsympaˈthetically adv


(ˌsɪm pəˈθɛt ɪk)

adj. 1. characterized by, proceeding from, exhibiting, or feeling sympathy; sympathizing; compassionate: a sympathetic listener. 2. in harmony with one's tastes, mood, or disposition; congenial: a sympathetic companion. 3. looking upon with favor (often fol. by to or toward): She is sympathetic to the project. 4. pertaining to that part of the autonomic nervous system that originates in the thoracic and lumbar region of the spinal cord and that regulates involuntary reactions to stress, stimulating the heartbeat, breathing rate, sweating, and other physiological processes. 5. noting or pertaining to vibrations, sounds, etc., produced by a body as the direct result of similar vibrations in a different body. [1635–45; < New Latin sympathēticus < Greek sympathētikós. See sym-, pathetic] sym`pa•thet′i•cal•ly, adv.
Adj.1.sympathetic - of or relating to the sympathetic nervous system; "sympathetic neurons"; "sympathetic stimulation"anatomy, general anatomy - the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animalsphysiology - the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms
2.sympathetic - expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings; disposed toward; "sympathetic to the students' cause"; "a sympathetic observer"; "a sympathetic gesture"compassionate - showing or having compassion; "heard the soft and compassionate voices of women"congenial - suitable to your needs; "a congenial atmosphere to work in"; "two congenial spirits united...by mutual confidence and reciprocal virtues"- T.L.Peacockkind - having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior; "kind to sick patients"; "a kind master"; "kind words showing understanding and sympathy"; "thanked her for her kind letter"unsympathetic - not sympathetic or disposed toward; "unsympathetic officialdom"; "people unsympathetic to the revolution"; "his dignity made him seem aloof and unsympathetic"
3.sympathetic - showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity; "was charitable in his opinions of others"; "kindly criticism"; "a kindly act"; "sympathetic words"; "a large-hearted mentor"good-hearted, kindly, large-hearted, openhearted, benevolent, charitablekind - having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior; "kind to sick patients"; "a kind master"; "kind words showing understanding and sympathy"; "thanked her for her kind letter"
4.sympathetic - (of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelingssympathetic - (of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings; "the sympathetic characters in the play"likable, likeable, appealingdrama - the literary genre of works intended for the theaterunappealing, unlikable, unlikeable, unsympathetic - (of characters in literature or drama) tending to evoke antipathetic feelings; "all the characters were peculiarly unsympathetic"
5.sympathetic - having similar disposition and tastes; "with their many similar tastes, he found her a most sympathetic companion"similar - marked by correspondence or resemblance; "similar food at similar prices"; "problems similar to mine"; "they wore similar coats"
6.sympathetic - relating to vibrations that occur as a result of vibrations in a nearby body; "sympathetic vibration"harmonicharmonious - musically pleasing


adjective1. caring, kind, understanding, concerned, feeling, interested, kindly, warm, tender, pitying, supportive, responsive, affectionate, compassionate, commiserating, warm-hearted, condoling It may be that he sees you only as a sympathetic friend.
caring indifferent, insensitive, callous, unsympathetic, cold, steely, unmoved, disinterested, uncaring, uninterested, apathetic, inhumane, unfeeling, cold-hearted, uncompassionate
2. supportive, encouraging, pro, approving of, friendly to, in sympathy with, well-disposed towards, favourably disposed towards They were sympathetic to our cause.3. like-minded, compatible, agreeable, friendly, responsive, appreciative, congenial, companionable, well-intentioned She sounds a most sympathetic character.
like-minded unresponsive, uncongenial


adjective1. Cognizant of and comprehending the needs, feelings, problems, and views of others:empathetic, empathic, feeling, understanding.2. Feeling or expressing pity:commiserative, compassionate, condolatory, pitying.Archaic: piteous, pitiful.


(ˈsimpəði) noun1. a feeling of pity or sorrow for a person in trouble. When her husband died, she received many letters of sympathy. 同情 同情2. the state or feeling of being in agreement with, or of being able to understand, the attitude or feelings of another person. I have no sympathy with such a stupid attitude; Are you in sympathy with the strikers? 贊同 赞同ˌsympaˈthetic (-ˈθetik) adjective (negative unsympathetic) showing or feeling sympathy. She was very sympathetic when I failed my exam; a sympathetic smile. 有同情心的 有同情心的sympaˈthetically adverb 同情地 同情地ˈsympathize, ˈsympathise verb to show or feel sympathy to. I find it difficult to sympathize with him when he complains so much. 同情 同情


IdiomsSeelend an ear



1. Anatomy physiol of or relating to the division of the autonomic nervous system that acts in opposition to the parasympathetic system accelerating the heartbeat, dilating the bronchi, inhibiting the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, etc. 2. relating to vibrations occurring as a result of similar vibrations in a neighbouring body



 [sim″pah-thet´ik] 1. pertaining to or caused by sympathy.2. pertaining to the sympathetic nervous system.sympathetic nervous system the thoracolumbar part of the autonomic nervous system, the preganglionic fibers of which arise from cell bodies in the thoracic and first three lumbar segments of the spinal cord; postganglionic fibers are distributed to the heart, smooth muscle, and glands of the entire body. (See also Plate 14.)sympathetic stress reaction alarm reaction.


(sim'pă-thet'ik), 1. Relating to or exhibiting sympathy. 2. Denoting the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. Synonym(s): sympathic [G. sympathētikos, fr. sympatheō, to feel with, sympathize, fr. syn, with, + pathos, suffering]


(sĭm′pə-thĕt′ĭk)adj.1. Of, expressing, feeling, or resulting from sympathy: a sympathetic glance.2. Favorably inclined: not at all sympathetic to her proposal.3. Agreeably suited to one's disposition or mood; congenial: sympathetic surroundings.4. Of, relating to, or acting on the sympathetic nervous system: a sympathetic neuron; sympathetic stimulation.5. a. Relating to or being vibrations, especially musical tones, produced in one body by energy from a nearby vibrating body and having the same frequency as the vibration of the nearby body.b. Emitting such vibrations: sympathetic strings.
sym′pa·thet′i·cal·ly adv.


(sim'pă-thet'ik) 1. Relating to or exhibiting sympathy. 2. Denoting the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. [G. sympathētikos, fr. sympatheō, to feel with, sympathize, fr. syn, with, + pathos, suffering]


(sim'pă-thet'ik) 1. Denoting the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. 2. Relating to or exhibiting sympathy. [G. sympathētikos, fr. sympatheō, to feel with, sympathize, fr. syn, with, + pathos, suffering]

Patient discussion about sympathetic

Q. Anyone have/hear of RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) CRPS etc ,I have Fibro too Reflex Synmpathetic Dystrophy or CRPS and I have Fibromyalgia any others with CNS problemsA. Ok I would like to ask if any others with RSD would like to get to know each other it looks like they have groups ,no one without RSD can appreciate the pain and the way those who you love the most ,think you are a faker because some RSDers ,you can't see anything readily ,not being believed with Nerve pain thayt is worse than anything I have felt like being shot ,blown up ,Third Degree Burns well kinda like when the nerves stgart to grow back from Third degree burns but 24/7 and the same degree of p[ain since 1968 .IF RSD IS CAUGHT IN THE FIIRST YEAR IT CAN BE Reversed so yes I want knowledge (oops didnt mean caps(to yell)Thank You rsdno

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  • adj

Synonyms for sympathetic

adj caring


  • caring
  • kind
  • understanding
  • concerned
  • feeling
  • interested
  • kindly
  • warm
  • tender
  • pitying
  • supportive
  • responsive
  • affectionate
  • compassionate
  • commiserating
  • warm-hearted
  • condoling


  • indifferent
  • insensitive
  • callous
  • unsympathetic
  • cold
  • steely
  • unmoved
  • disinterested
  • uncaring
  • uninterested
  • apathetic
  • inhumane
  • unfeeling
  • cold-hearted
  • uncompassionate

adj supportive


  • supportive
  • encouraging
  • pro
  • approving of
  • friendly to
  • in sympathy with
  • well-disposed towards
  • favourably disposed towards

adj like-minded


  • like-minded
  • compatible
  • agreeable
  • friendly
  • responsive
  • appreciative
  • congenial
  • companionable
  • well-intentioned


  • unresponsive
  • uncongenial

Synonyms for sympathetic

adj cognizant of and comprehending the needs, feelings, problems, and views of others


  • empathetic
  • empathic
  • feeling
  • understanding

adj feeling or expressing pity


  • commiserative
  • compassionate
  • condolatory
  • pitying
  • piteous
  • pitiful

Synonyms for sympathetic

adj of or relating to the sympathetic nervous system

Related Words

  • anatomy
  • general anatomy
  • physiology

adj expressing or feeling or resulting from sympathy or compassion or friendly fellow feelings

Related Words

  • compassionate
  • congenial
  • kind


  • unsympathetic

adj showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity


  • good-hearted
  • kindly
  • large-hearted
  • openhearted
  • benevolent
  • charitable

Related Words

  • kind

adj (of characters in literature or drama) evoking empathic or sympathetic feelings


  • likable
  • likeable
  • appealing

Related Words

  • drama


  • unappealing
  • unlikable
  • unlikeable
  • unsympathetic

adj having similar disposition and tastes

Related Words

  • similar

adj relating to vibrations that occur as a result of vibrations in a nearby body


  • harmonic

Related Words

  • harmonious




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