SCJSapporo City Jazz (Sapporo, Japan)
SCJSuper Cobra Jet (engine)
SCJSuper Cobra Jet
SCJStrength and Conditioning Journal (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)
SCJSave the Children Japan
SCJS C Johnson & Son, Inc.
SCJSupreme Court Justice
SCJScience Council of Japan
SCJSquamocolumnar Junction
SCJSouthern Communication Journal (Southern States Communication Association; Taylor & Francis)
SCJSixteenth Century Journal
SCJCongregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (religious order)
SCJSullivan County Jail (Blountville, TN)
SCJSub Conditione Jacobi (Latin: Under the Terms of James)
SCJSecured Capital Japan Co., Ltd. (Japan)
SCJStrongsville City Jazz (Strongsville, OH)
SCJS Club Juniors (band)
SCJSalvatore Cuomo Japan (Japanese pizza business)
SCJSouthern California Jurisdiction (International Order of DeMolay)
SCJSugar Company of Jamaica Limited