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sympathicotonia sympathicotonia [sim-path″ĭ-ko-to´ne-ah] a stimulated condition of the sympathetic nervous system marked by vascular spasm, heightened blood pressure, and the dominance of other sympathetic functions. adj., adj sympathicoton´ic.sym·path·i·co·to·ni·a (sim-path'i-kō-tō'nē-ă), A condition in which there is increased tonus of the sympathetic system and a marked tendency to vascular spasm and high blood pressure; opposed to vagotonia. [sympathico- + G. tonos, tone, tension] sym·path·i·co·to·ni·a (sim-path'i-kō-tō'nē-ă) A condition in which there is increased tonus of the sympathetic system and a marked tendency to vascular spasm and high blood pressure; opposed to vagotonia. [sympathico- + G. tonos, tone, tension] |