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pleu·ri·sy P0373200 (plo͝or′ĭ-sē)n. Inflammation of the pleura, usually occurring as a complication of a disease such as pneumonia, accompanied by accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity, chills, fever, and painful breathing and coughing. [Middle English pluresy, from Old French pleuresie, from Late Latin pleurīsis, alteration of Latin pleurītis, from Greek : pleura, side + -ītis, -itis.] pleu·rit′ic (plo͝o-rĭt′ĭk) adj.pleurisy (ˈplʊərɪsɪ) n (Pathology) inflammation of the pleura, characterized by pain that is aggravated by deep breathing or coughing[C14: from Old French pleurisie, from Late Latin pleurisis, from Greek pleuritis, from pleura side] pleuritic adj, npleu•ri•sy (ˈplʊər ə si) n. inflammation of the pleura, with or without a liquid effusion in the pleural cavity, characterized by a dry cough and pain in the affected side. [1350–1400; Middle English pluresy < Old French pleurisie < Late Latin pleurīsis, alter. of Latin pleurītis < Greek pleurîtis. See pleura, -itis] pleu•rit•ic (plʊˈrɪt ɪk) adj. pleuritis, pleurisy - Greek pleura, "side" or "rib," came to be used for the "inner lining of the chest; lungs," and pleuritis or pleurisy is the inflammation of this area.See also related terms for inflammation.pleurisyInflammation of the pleura (fluid-secreting coverings of the lungs). It may involve secretion of excess fluid (i.e. pleural effusion), which puts pressure on the lungs. Pleurisy is caused by infection or disease of the lungs.ThesaurusNoun | 1. | pleurisy - inflammation of the pleura of the lungs (especially the parietal layer)inflammatory disease - a disease characterized by inflammationpurulent pleurisy - a collection of pus in the lung cavitypleuropneumonia - pleurisy and pneumonia | Translations
pleurisy (plo͝or`ĭsē), inflammation of the pleura (the membrane that covers the lungs and lines the chest cavity). It is sometimes accompanied by pain and coughing. The inflammation may be dry or it may be accompanied by an effusion, or fluid, that fills the chest cavity; when the effusion is infected, the condition is known as empyema. The dry type of pleurisy usually occurs in association with bacterial infections such as pneumonia. Pleurisy with effusion is often associated with such chronic lung conditions as tuberculosis or tumors. Immune disorders such as lupus and rheumatic fever tend to have recurrent pleurisy, with or without effusion. Epidemic pleurodynia, a pleurisy attributed to a virus, is a mild disease of short duration. Treatment of pleurisy is directed at the underlying condition as well as the symptoms.Pleurisy inflammation of the pleura. Pleurisy may be infectious or noninfectious. The causative agents in man and animals include the Mycobacterium tuberculosis, cocci, and viruses. In man the most common types are tubercular pleurisy, with primary localization of the infection in the lung or in the lymph nodes, and pleurisy as a complication of inflammation of the lungs. Forms of noninfectious pleurisy are toxic pleurisy, which arises when the pleura is irritated by toxic metabolic products, such as the nitrogenous residues that occur with uremia; traumatic pleurisy; and pleurisy occurring with tumors of the lungs or of the pleura itself. Another form of the disease is primary, or idiopathic, pleurisy, whose etiology has not been established. Fibrinous pleurisy, with deposit of a dry exudate, fibrin, on the pleurae, occurs with tuberculosis and pneumonia. Exudative pleurisy, in which the fissure between the pleurae is filled with an exudate, may be serous or serofibrinous (tubercular, idiopathic, or rheumatic), hemorrhagic (tubercular or with tumors), or purulent and putrefactive (as with lung abscesses). Pleurisy may be acute or chronic and localized or diffuse. The symptoms of pleurisy are malaise, fever, chills, perspiration, cough, dyspnea, and changes in the blood’s composition. With dry pleurisy there is pain in the thorax and the sound of pleural friction with auscultation. With exudative pleurisy, a dulling of pulmonary sound is revealed by percussion; diverticulum of the thorax in the region of the exudate may occur, and respiration is severely attenuated. The data of X-ray diagnosis are important. Adhesions may remain after pleurisy. The disease is treated by antibiotics and by antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, and symptomatic agents. The exudate is removed by means of pleurocentesis. REFERENCESAbrikosov, A. I. Chastnaiapatologicheskaia anatomiia, fasc. 3. Moscow, 1947. Rabukhin, A. E. Tuberkuleznye plevrity. Moscow, 1948. Bolezni sistemy dykhaniia. Edited by T. Garbin’skii. Warsaw, 1967.A. Z. CHERNOV pleurisy[′plu̇r·ə·sē] (medicine) Inflammation of the pleura. Also known as pleuritis. pleurisy inflammation of the pleura, characterized by pain that is aggravated by deep breathing or coughing pleurisy
Pleurisy DefinitionPleurisy is an inflammation of the membrane that surrounds and protects the lungs (the pleura). Inflammation occurs when an infection or damaging agent irritates the pleural surface. As a consequence, sharp chest pains are the primary symptom of pleurisy.DescriptionPleurisy, also called pleuritis, is a condition that generally stems from an existing respiratory infection, disease, or injury. In people who have otherwise good health, respiratory infections or pneumonia are the main causes of pleurisy. This condition used to be more common, but with the advent of antibiotics and modern disease therapies, pleurisy has become less prevalent.The pleura is a double-layered structure made up of an inner membrane, which surrounds the lungs, and an outer membrane, which lines the chest cavity. The pleural membranes are very thin, close together, and have a fluid coating in the narrow space between them. This liquid acts as a lubricant, so that when the lungs inflate and deflate during breathing, the pleural surfaces can easily glide over one another.Pleurisy occurs when the pleural surfaces rub against one another, due to irritation and inflammation. Infection within the pleural space is the most common irritant, although the abnormal presence of air, blood, or cells can also initiate pleurisy. These disturbances all act to displace the normal pleural fluid, which forces the membranes to rub, rather than glide, against one another. This rubbing irritates nerve endings in the outer membrane and causes pain. Pleurisy also causes a chest noise that ranges from a faint squeak to a loud creak. This characteristic sound is called a "friction rub."Pleurisy cases are classified either as having pleural effusion or as being "dry." Pleural effusion is more common and refers to an accumulation of fluid within the pleural space; dry pleurisy is inflammation without fluid build-up. Less pain occurs with pleural effusion because the fluid forces the membrane surfaces apart. However, pleural effusion causes additional complications because it places pressure on the lungs. This leads to respiratory distress and possible lung collapse.Causes and symptomsA variety of conditions can give rise to pleurisy. The following list represents the most common sources of pleural inflammation.- infections, including pneumonia, tuberculosis, and other bacterial or viral respiratory infections
- immune disorders, including systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and sarcoidosis
- diseases, including cancer, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, and heart or kidney failure
- injury, from a rib fracture, collapsed lung, esophagus rupture, blood clot, or material such as asbestos
- drug reactions, from certain drugs used to treat tuberculosis (isoniazid), cancer (methotrexate, procarbazine), or the immune disorders mentioned above (hydralazine, procainamide, phenytoin, quinidine)
Symptomatic painThe hallmark symptom of pleurisy is sudden, intense chest pain that is usually located over the area of inflammation. Although the pain can be constant, it is usually most severe when the lungs move during breathing, coughing, sneezing, or even talking. The pain is usually described as shooting or stabbing, but in minor cases it resembles a mild cramp. When pleurisy occurs in certain locations, such as near the diaphragm, the pain may be felt in other areas such as the neck, shoulder, or abdomen (referred pain). Another indication of pleurisy is that holding one's breath or exerting pressure against the chest causes pain relief.Breathing difficultiesPleurisy is also characterized by certain respiratory symptoms. In response to the pain, pleurisy patients commonly have a rapid, shallow breathing pattern. Pleural effusion can also cause shortness of breath, as excess fluid makes expanding the lungs difficult. If severe breathing difficulties persist, patients may experience a blue colored complexion (cyanosis).Additional symptoms of pleurisy are specific to the illness that triggers the condition. Thus, if infection is the cause, then chills, fever, and fatigue will be likely pleurisy symptoms.DiagnosisThe distinctive pain of pleurisy is normally the first clue physicians use for diagnosis. Doctors usually feel the chest to find the most painful area, which is the likely site of inflammation. A stethoscope is also used to listen for abnormal chest sounds as the patient breathes. If the doctor hears the characteristic friction rub, the diagnosis of pleurisy can be confirmed. Sometimes, a friction rub is masked by the presence of pleural effusion and further examination is needed for an accurate diagnosis.Identifying the actual illness that causes pleurisy is more difficult. To make this diagnosis, doctors must evaluate the patient's history, additional symptoms, and laboratory test results. A chest x ray may also be taken to look for signs of accumulated fluid and other abnormalities. Possible causes, such as pneumonia, fractured ribs, esophagus rupture, and lung tumors may be detected on an x ray. Computed tomography scan (CT scan) and ultrasound scans are more powerful diagnostic tools used to visualize the chest cavity. Images from these techniques more clearly pinpoint the location of excess fluid or other suspected problems.The most helpful information in diagnosing the cause of pleurisy is a fluid analysis. Once the doctor knows the precise location of fluid accumulation, a sample is removed using a procedure called thoracentesis. In this technique, a fine needle is inserted into the chest to reach the pleural space and extract fluid. The fluid's appearance and composition is thoroughly examined to help doctors understand how the fluid was produced. Several laboratory tests are performed to analyze the chemical components of the fluid. These tests also determine whether infection-causing bacteria or viruses are present. In addition, cells within the fluid are identified and counted. Cancerous cells can also be detected to learn whether the pleurisy is caused by a malignancy.In certain instances, such as dry pleurisy, or when a fluid analysis is not informative, a biopsy of the pleura may be needed for microscopic analysis. A sample of pleural tissue can be obtained several ways: with a biopsy needle, by making a small incision in the chest wall, or by using a thoracoscope (a video-assisted instrument for viewing the pleural space and collecting samples).TreatmentPain managementThe pain of pleurisy is usually treated with analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and indomethacin. People with pleurisy may also receive relief from lying on the painful side. Sometimes, a painful cough will be controlled with codeine-based cough syrups. However, as the pain eases, a person with pleurisy should try to breathe deeply and cough to clear any congestion, otherwise pneumonia may occur. Rest is also important to aid in the recovery process.Treating the sourceThe treatment used to cure pleurisy is ultimately defined by the underlying cause. Thus, pleurisy from a bacterial infection can be successfully treated with antibiotics, while no treatment is given for viral infections that must run their course. Specific therapies designed for more chronic illnesses can often cause pleurisy to subside. For example, tuberculosis pleurisy is treated with standard anti-tuberculosis drugs. With some illnesses, excess fluid continues to accumulate and causes severe respiratory distress. In these individuals, the fluid may be removed by thoracentesis, or the doctor may insert a chest tube to drain large amounts. If left untreated, a more serious infection may develop within the fluid, called empyema.Alternative treatmentAlternative treatments can be used in conjunction with conventional treatment to help heal pleurisy. Acupuncture and botanical medicines are alternative approaches for alleviating pleural pain and breathing problems. An herbal remedy commonly recommended is pleurisy root (Asclepias tuberosa), so named because of its use by early American settlers who learned of this medicinal plant from Native Americans. Pleurisy root helps to ease pain, inflammation, and breathing difficulties brought on by pleurisy. This herb is often used in conjunction with mullein (Verbascum thapsus) or elecampane (Inula helenium), which serve as expectorants to clear excess mucus from the lungs. In addition, there are many other respiratory herbs that are used as expectorants or for other actions on the respiratory system. Herbs thought to combat infection, such as echinacea (Echinacea spp.) are also included in herbal pleurisy remedies. Anitviral herbs, such as Lomatium dissectum and Ligusticum porteri, can be used if the pleurisy is of viral origin. Traditional Chinese medicine uses the herb ephedra (Ephedra sinica), which acts to open air passages and alleviate respiratory difficulties in pleurisy patients. Dietary recommendations include eating fresh fruits and vegetables, adequate protein, and good quality fats (omega—3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and are found in fish and flax oil). Taking certain nutritional supplements, especially large doeses of vitamin C, may also provide health benefits to people with pleurisy. Contrast hydrotherapy applied to the chest and back, along with compresses (cloths soaked in an herbal solution) or poultices (crushed herbs applied directly to the skin) of respiratory herbs, can assist in the healing process. Homeopathic treatment, guided by a trained practitioner, can be effective in resolving pleurisy.PrognosisPrompt diagnosis, followed by appropriate treatment, ensures a good recovery for most pleurisy patients. Generally speaking, the prognosis for pleurisy is linked to the seriousness of its cause. Therefore, the outcome of pleurisy caused by a disease such as cancer will vary depending on the type and location of the tumor.PreventionPreventing pleurisy is often a matter of providing early medical attention to conditions that can cause pleural inflammation. Along this line, appropriate antibiotic treatment of bacterial respiratory infections may successfully prevent some cases of pleurisy. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding exposure to harmful substances (for example, asbestos) are more general preventative measures.ResourcesOrganizationsAmerican Lung Association. 1740 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. (800) 586-4872. http://www.lungusa.org.National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. P.O. Box 30105, Bethesda, MD 20824-0105. (301) 251-1222. http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov.Key termsEffusion — The accumulation of fluid within a cavity, such as the pleural space.Empyema — An infection that causes pus to accumulate in the pleural space. The pus may cause a tear in the pleural membrane, which allows the infection to spread to other areas in the body. Intravenous antibiotics are often given to control the infection.Inflammation — An accumulation of fluid and cells within tissue that is often caused by infection and the immune response that occurs as a result.Pneumonia — A condition caused by bacterial or viral infection that is characterized by inflammation of the lungs and fluid within the air passages. Pneumonia is often an underlying cause of pleurisy.Referred pain — The presence of pain in an area other than where it originates. In some pleurisy cases, referred pain occurs in the neck, shoulder, or abdomen.pleur·i·sy (plūr'i-sē), Inflammation of the pleura. Synonym(s): pleuritis [L. pleurisis, fr. G. pleuritis] pleurisy (plo͝or′ĭ-sē)n. Inflammation of the pleura, usually occurring as a complication of a disease such as pneumonia, accompanied by accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity, chills, fever, and painful breathing and coughing. pleu·rit′ic (plo͝o-rĭt′ĭk) adj.pleuritis Pleural inflammation. Aetiology Respiratory tract infections, TB, rheumatoid disease, lung neoplasms. Clinical findings Chest wall pain at the site of inflammation, which increases with breathing, coughing and chest movement; the pleural surfaces, roughened by inflammation, rub together with each breath, causing a rough grating sound (“friction rub”) heard with a stethoscope; fluid accumulation separates parietal and visceral pleurae, decreased chest pain; large effusions compromise respiration and may cause coughing, shortness of breath, tachypnoea, cyanosis, rib retraction.pleur·i·sy (plūr'i-sē) Inflammation of the pleura. Synonym(s): pleuritis. [L. pleurisis, fr. G. pleuritis]pleurisy Inflammation of the PLEURA. This is usually caused by a virus infection or as a secondary effect of an underlying lung infection, such as PNEUMONIA. There is dull pain that becomes severe and stabbing on inspiration. There is no specific treatment for viral pleurisy or viral pneumonia. Bacterial pneumonia will usually respond to antibiotics.pleur·i·sy (plūr'i-sē) Inflammation of the pleura. [L. pleurisis, fr. G. pleuritis]pleurisy
Words related to pleurisynoun inflammation of the pleura of the lungs (especially the parietal layer)Related Words- inflammatory disease
- purulent pleurisy
- pleuropneumonia