WAPIWLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure
WAPIWired Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure
WAPIWindows Application Programming Interface
WAPIWorkflow Api
WAPIWords and Pictures (underground hiphop platform and movement)
WAPIWater Pasteurization Indicator
WAPIWorld Association of Professional Investigators
WAPIWest Africa Peacebuilding Institute
WAPIWorkflow Application Programming Interface
WAPIWeb Assisted Personal Interviewing
WAPIAmerican Pipit (Anthus rubescens, bird species)
WAPIWashington Area Partnership for Immigrants
WAPIWashington Association of Physicians of Indian Origin
WAPIWestern Association of Property Inspectors
WAPIWestern Antique Powerland, Inc.
WAPIWWW Application Programming Interface (Tascomm)
WAPIWordNet Advanced Python Interface
WAPIWeighted Annualized Premium Income (insurance)