Simon position

Si·mon po·si·tion

(sī'mŏn), a position for vaginal examination; a supine position with hips elevated, thighs and legs flexed, and thighs widely separated.

Si·mon po·si·tion

(sē'mŏn pŏ-zish'ŏn) A position for vaginal examination; a supine position with hips elevated, thighs and legs flexed, and thighs widely separated.

Simon position

S09-862260 (ze'mon?, si'mon) [Gustav Simon, Ger. surgeon, 1824–1876] An exaggerated lithotomy position in which the hips are somewhat elevated and the thighs are strongly abducted. It is used in operations on the vagina. Synonym: Edebohls position


Gustav, German surgeon, 1824-1876. Simon incisionSimon perineorrhaphySimon position - for vaginal examination.Simon speculum