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telecardiophone [tel″ĕ-kahr´de-o-fōn″] an apparatus for making heart sounds audible at a distance from the patient.tel·e·car·di·o·phone (tel'ĕ-kar'dē-ō-fōn), A specially constructed stethoscope by means of which heart sounds can be heard by listeners at a distance from the patient. [G. tēle, distant, + kardia, heart, + phōnē, sound] tel·e·car·di·o·phone (tel'ĕ-kahr'dē-ō-fōn) A specially constructed stethoscope by means of which heart sounds can be heard by listeners at a distance from the patient. [G. tēle, distant, + kardia, heart, + phōnē, sound] |