Acronym | Definition |
PLH➣Potato Leafhopper (insect) |
PLH➣Public Lands Highways |
PLH➣Peace, Love and Happiness |
PLH➣Plan Local d'Habitat (French) |
PLH➣Polska Liga Hokejowa (Polish Hockey League) |
PLH➣Project for Latino Health |
PLH➣Plymouth, England, United Kingdom - Plymouth Airport (Airport Code) |
PLH➣Pharyngeal Lymphoid Hyperplasia |
PLH➣Pretty Little Head |
PLH➣Programme Locaux de l'Habitat (French: Local Housing Program) |
PLH➣Payload Handling |
PLH➣Palace of the Legion of Honor (San Francisco) |
PLH➣Pray Like Hell |
PLH➣Purely Left-Handed (metamaterials) |
PLH➣Parking Lot Heroes (Las Vegas, NV) |