Acronym | Definition |
PLI➣Practising Law Institute |
PLI➣Public Liability Insurance (UK) |
PLI➣Partido Liberal Independiente (Spanish: Independent Liberal Party; Nicaragua) |
PLI➣Partito Liberale Italiano (Italian: Italian Liberal Party) |
PLI➣Professional Liability Insurance |
PLI➣Power Line Interference |
PLI➣Programming Language Interface (Verilog programming language) |
PLI➣Peripheral Link Interface |
PLI➣product liability insurance |
PLI➣Profit Level Indicator |
PLI➣Public Local Inquiry (Scotland, UK) |
PLI➣Position Location Information |
PLI➣Prêt Locatif Intermédiaire (French: Intermediate Rental Loans) |
PLI➣Panasonic Lighting Indonesia |
PLI➣Public Lands Institute (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) |
PLI➣Power Level Indicator |
PLI➣Private Line Interface |
PLI➣PDU Length Indicator |
PLI➣Pounds/Linear Inch |
PLI➣Physicians Liability Insurance (Oklahoma) |
PLI➣Person of Limited Intelligence |
PLI➣Pancreatic Lipase Immunoassay (blood test) |
PLI➣Programmation Logique Inductive (French) |
PLI➣Projekt Lokal Idrottsutveckling (Sweden) |
PLI➣Pharmacists for Life International |
PLI➣Plan de Localisation Informatique |
PLI➣Aeroperu - Empresa de Transportes Aereos del Peru (ICAO code) |
PLI➣Presentation Level Integration (visually integrate with an applications user interface) |
PLI➣Pruned Log Index |
PLI➣Power-Link Innovations (software solutions to the broadcast industry) |
PLI➣Planar-Lumped Inductor |
PLI➣Pre-Load Indicator/Indicating |
PLI➣Pilot Lot Inspection |
PLI➣Pilot Location Indicator |
PLI➣Punch List Item |