Automatic Target Tracking
Automatic Target Tracking
an operating mode of antiaircraft, aviation, and other systems in which, without the participation of a human operator but only under his supervision, changes are made in the axial orientation or the direction of motion for certain elements in the system as a result of changes in trajectory and velocity of a target. Radio antennae on the ground and on board, rocket launchers, antiaircraft artillery, guided missiles, rockets, and torpedos represent elements of the combat systems that operate by automatic target tracking.
Automatic target tracking is based on radar, photo-optical, infrared, laser, acoustic, magnetic, and other principles for the sending and receiving of signals which are processed by computers according to a specified program. Automatic target tracking is preceded by detection of and “locking on” to a target. During automatic target tracking the present coordinates and lead angles are computed. The ultimate task of automatic target tracking is reliability in damaging the target by increasing the probability of a hit (using percussion projectiles) or the probability of catching the target in a vulnerable area (using proximity projectiles). Natural or man-made interference may make it necessary to transfer from automatic target tracking to manual tracking, which results in a reduction of tracking stability and reliability in damaging the target.