sclerotic dentin

scle·rot·ic den·'tin

dentin characterized by calcification of the dentinal tubules as a result of injury or normal aging. Synonym(s): transparent dentin

scle·rot·ic den·tin

(sklĕr-otik dentin) Dentin characterized by calcification of thedentinal tubules as a result of injury or normal aging.
Synonym(s): transparent dentin.

sclerotic dentin

Areas of dentin where the tubules have been filled by mineralization, producing a denser, radiopaque dentin; it is often produced in response to caries, attrition, and abrasion.

scle·rot·ic den·tin

(skler-otik dentin) Dentin characterized by calcification of dentinal tubules due to injury or normal aging.
Synonym(s): transparent dentin.