释义 |
PL/MProgramming Language/Microcomputers. MAA (later DigitalResearch) for Intel, 1972. A very low level languageincorporating ideas from PL/I, ALGOL and XPL. Integratedmacro processor. Originally the implementation language forCP/M. "PL/M-80 Programming Manual", Doc 98-268B, Intel 1976."A Guide to PL/M Programming for Microcomputer Applications",D. McCracken, A-W 1978. Versions: PL/M-80, PL/M-86, PL/M-286.
PL/MProgramming Language/Microcomputers. MAA (later DigitalResearch) for Intel, 1972. A very low level languageincorporating ideas from PL/I, ALGOL and XPL. Integratedmacro processor. Originally the implementation language forCP/M. "PL/M-80 Programming Manual", Doc 98-268B, Intel 1976."A Guide to PL/M Programming for Microcomputer Applications",D. McCracken, A-W 1978. Versions: PL/M-80, PL/M-86, PL/M-286.PL/M
Acronym | Definition |
PL/M➣Programming Language for Microcomputers |