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strat·i·form S0797400 (străt′ə-fôrm′)adj. Forming a layer or arranged in layers.stratiform (ˈstrætɪˌfɔːm) adj1. (Geological Science) (of rocks) occurring as or arranged in strata2. (Physical Geography) meteorol resembling a stratus cloudstrat•i•form (ˈstræt əˌfɔrm) adj. 1. occurring or arranged in strata, as rock. 2. formed or occurring in thin layers, as bone. [1795–1805] stratiform
stratiform[′strad·ə‚fȯrm] (geology) Descriptive of a layered mineral deposit of either igneous or sedimentary origin. Consisting of parallel bands, layers, or sheets. (meteorology) Description of clouds of extensive horizontal development, as contrasted to the vertically developed cumuliform types. stratiformClouds spread out in extensive horizontal sheets or layers. The term applies to stratus, stratocumulus, nimbostratus, and cirrocumulus clouds.stratiform
stratiform [strat´ĭ-form] occurring in layers.stratiformS20-903140 (străt′ĭ-form) [L. stratum, layer, + forma, shape] Arranged in layers.AcronymsSeeSTFRM |