tumescent liposuction

tumescent liposuction

liposuction performed after subcutaneous infusion of fluid (most commonly containing saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine, with or without sodium bicarbonate) in a ratio of 2-3 mL of infiltrate to 1 ml of aspirate; the endpoint of infiltration is tissue turgor.
A type of liposuction in which an ultrasonic wand is passed through the tissue to liquefy the fat, followed by administration of a pressurised 'tumescent' fluid—Klein/Hunstad formula—which is infiltrated into fat, distending, anaesthetising and exsanguinating the region

tumescent liposuction

Cosmetic surgery A type of liposuction in which pressurized fluid–Klein/Hunstad formula is infiltrated into fat, distending, anesthetizing and exsanguinating the region; the TT allows for almost bloodless and painless excision of excess fat during liposuction Complications Thrombosis, hypotension, perforation of organs by wand. See Liposuction.

tu·mes·cent lip·o·suc·tion

(tū-mes'ĕnt lip'ō-sŭk-shŭn) Liposuction performed after subcutaneous infusion of lidocaine solution and the use of microcannulae.