tumor antigens

tu·mor an·ti·gens

1. antigens that may be frequently associated with tumors or may be specifically found on tumor cells of the same origin (tumor specific); 2. tumor antigens may also be associated with replication and transformation by certain DNA tumor viruses, including adenoviruses and papovaviruses. Synonym(s): neoantigens (2)
See also: T antigens.

tu·mor an·ti·gens

(tū'mŏr an'ti-jenz) 1. Those antigens that may be frequently associated with tumors or may be specifically found on tumor cells of the same origin (tumor specific). 2. Tumor antigens may also be associated with replication and transformation by certain DNA tumor viruses, including adenoviruses and papovaviruses.
See also: T antigens
Synonym(s): neoantigens, tumour antigens.