释义 |
rhinomanometer rhinomanometer [ri″no-mah-nom´ĕ-ter] a manometer used in rhinomanometry.rhi·no·ma·nom·e·ter (rī'nō-mă-nom'ĕ-tĕr), A manometer used to determine the nasal air pressure and flow relationships and thereby estimate the presence and degreee of nasal obstruction. Synonym(s): rhinoanemometer [rhino- + manometer] rhi·no·ma·nom·e·ter , rhinoanemometer (rī'nō-mă-nom'ĕ-tĕr, -an'ē-mom'ĕ-tĕr) A manometer used to determine the presence and amount of nasal obstruction and the nasal air pressure and flow relationships. |