tumor-specific transplantation antigens

tu·mor-·spe·cif·ic trans·plan·ta·tion an·ti·gens (TSTA),

surface antigens of DNA tumor virus-transformed cells, which elicit an immune rejection of the virus-free cells when transplanted into an animal that has been immunized against the specific cell-transforming virus.

tu·mor-spe·cif·ic trans·plan·ta·tion an·ti·gens

(TSTA) (tū'mŏr-spĕ-sif'ik trans'plan-tā'shŭn an'ti-jenz) Surface antigens of DNA tumor virus-transformed cells, which elicit an immune rejection of the virus-free cells when transplanted into an animal that has been immunized against the specific cell-transforming virus.
Synonym(s): tumour-specific transplantation antigens.