tumour marker

tumour marker

Any specific substance present in increased amounts in serum that may be used for early cancer (CA) detection. Most tumour markers are nonspecific and of little use as screening tools; they may be used to detect recurrence (e.g., CEA in patients with known colorectal and other CAs). 
Oncofoetal proteins (alpha-fetoprotein) for hepatic carcinoma; CA125 for ovarian CA; CEA for ovarian, lung, breast, pancreas, GI tract CAs; PSA for prostate CA.

tu·mor mark·er

(tū'mŏr mahr'kĕr) A substance released into the circulation by tumor tissue; its detection in the serum indicates the presence and specific type of tumor.
Synonym(s): tumour marker.

tu·mor mark·er

(tū'mŏr mahr'kĕr) A substance released into the circulation by tumor tissue; its detection in the serum indicates the presence and specific type of tumor.
Synonym(s): tumour marker, tumour marker.