

or sim·ple·mind·ed (sĭm′pəl-mīn′dĭd)adj.1. Lacking in subtlety or sophistication; artless or naive: a simple-minded horror movie; simple-minded generalizations.2. Stupid or silly; foolish.3. Offensive Intellectually disabled.
sim′ple-mind′ed·ly adv.sim′ple-mind′ed·ness n.


(ˈsimpl) adjective1. not difficult; easy. a simple task. 簡單的 简单的2. not complicated or involved. The matter is not as simple as you think. 單純的 天真的3. not fancy or unusual; plain. a simple dress/design; He leads a very simple life. 簡樸的 简朴的4. pure; mere. the simple truth. 純粹的 纯粹的5. trusting and easily cheated. She is too simple to see through his lies. 單純的,易受騙的 易受骗的6. weak in the mind; not very intelligent. I'm afraid he's a bit simple, but he's good with animals. 意志薄弱的,頭腦簡單的 头脑简单的ˈsimpleton (-tən) noun a foolish person. 傻瓜 傻瓜simplicity (simˈplisəti) noun the state of being simple. The beauty of this idea is its simplicity; He answered with a child's simplicity. 樸素,簡單,率真 简明,朴素,直率 ˌsimplifiˈcation noun1. the process of making simpler. 簡化 简化2. something made simpler; a simpler form. The Americans have made some simplifications in English spelling. 簡化 简化ˈsimplified adjective made less difficult or complicated. simplified language/tasks. 簡化的,單純化的 简化的,不困难的 ˈsimplify (-plifai) verb to make simpler. Can you simplify your language a little? 簡化 使简化ˈsimply adverb1. only. I do it simply for the money. 只是 只(是为了)... 2. absolutely. simply beautiful. 絕對地 绝对地3. in a simple manner. She was always very simply dressed. 樸素地 朴素地ˌsimple-ˈminded adjective of low intelligence; stupid. 頭腦簡單的 头脑简单的ˌsimple-ˈmindedness noun 頭腦簡單 头脑简单