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syn·ap·o·mor·phy S5990575 (sĭ-năp′ə-môr′fē)n. pl. syn·ap·o·mor·phies An evolved character or trait that is shared by two or more taxonomic groups and is considered to have originated in their common ancestor. Hair is synapomorphic for marsupials, primates, and all other taxa that are grouped together in the class Mammalia. syn·ap′o·mor′phic adj.synapomorphy
synapomorphy[si′nap·ə‚mȯr·fē] (systematics) A derived trait shared by two or more taxa that is believed to reflect their shared ancestry. synapomorphy
synapomorphy (si-nap'ō-mōr-fē), Species-specific unique embryologic features. [syn- + apo- + morph- + -y] synapomorphy (sĭ-năp′ə-môr′fē)n. pl. synapomor·phies An evolved character or trait that is shared by two or more taxonomic groups and is considered to have originated in their common ancestor. Hair is synapomorphic for marsupials, primates, and all other taxa that are grouped together in the class Mammalia. syn·ap′o·mor′phic adj.synapomorphy the sharing of derived characters by different species. |