strawberry cervix

strawberry cervix

macular erythema of the uterine cervix, characteristic of vaginitis due to Trichomonas vaginalis.
A descriptor for the quasi-pathognomonic colposcopic appearance of subepithelial punctate petechiae of the cervix infected by Trichomonas vaginalis, which is variably accompanied by ‘double hairpin’ capillaries

strawberry cervix

Gynecology A descriptor for the quasi-pathognomonic colposcopic appearance of subepithelial punctate petechiae of the cervix infected by Trichomonas vaginalis, variably accompanied by 'double hairpin' capillaries.

straw·ber·ry cer·vix

(straw'ber-ē sĕr'viks) Macular erythema of the uterine cervix, characteristic of vaginitis due to Trichomonas vaginalis.