transverse horizontal axis

trans·verse hor·i·zon·tal ax·is

an imaginary line around which the mandible may rotate through the horizontal plane. Synonym(s): hinge axis, mandibular axis

trans·verse hor·i·zon·tal ax·is

(trans-vĕrs' hōr'i-zon'tăl ak'sis) An imaginary line around which the mandible may rotate through the horizontal plane.

trans·verse hor·i·zon·tal ax·is

(trans-vĕrs' hōr'i-zon'tăl ak'sis) An imaginary line through both temporomandibular joints about which the mandible rotates in the sagittal plane during opening and closing of the mouth.
Synonym(s): hinge axis, mandibular axis (1) .