Vedeniapin, Apollon

Vedeniapin, Apollon Vasil’evich


Born 1804 in the village of Vedeniapino, Mordovia; died July 2 (14), 1872, in the village of Troinia, Mordovia. A Decembrist.

Vedeniapin was a second lieutenant in the 9th Artillery Brigade and a member from May 1825 of the Society of United Slavs. His father belonged to the minor dvorianstvo (nobility or gentry). Vedeniapin advocated enlisting soldiers and the popular masses in the revolutionary overthrow and objected against the union of the Society of United Slavs with the Southern Society of Decembrists, which advocated a military revolution without the participation of the people. He was sentenced to exile for life, which he served in Kirensk and Irkutsk. He returned to European Russia in 1856 after an amnesty.


Sibir’ i dekabristy: Stat’i, materialy, neizdannye pis’ma. [Irkutsk] 1925.
Vosstanie dekabristov: Materialy, vol. 8. Leningrad, 1925.
Chernukhin, A. A. “Dekabristy brat’ia Vedeniapiny.” In the collection Literaturnaia Mordoviia, no. 10. Saransk, 1955.
Konkin, S. Dekabristy brat’ia Vedeniapiny. Saransk, 1968.