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syn·ar·thro·di·a S0962900 (sĭn′är-thrō′dē-ə)n. pl. syn·ar·thro·di·ae (-dē-ē′) See synarthrosis. [syn- + Greek arthrōdia, a kind of articulation (from arthrōdēs, well-jointed, from arthron, joint; see synarthrosis).] syn′ar·thro′di·al adj.syn′ar·thro′di·al·ly adv.synarthrodia
synarthrodia [sin″ahr-thro´de-ah] joint" >fibrous joint. adj., adj synarthro´dial.fi·brous joint [TA] a union of two bones by fibrous tissue such that there is no joint cavity and almost no motion possible; the types of fibrous joints are sutures, syndesmoses, and gomphoses. Synonym(s): junctura fibrosa [TA], articulatio fibrosa, immovable joint, synarthrodia, synarthrodial joint (1) synarthrodia (sĭn′är-thrō′dē-ə)n. pl. synarthro·diae (-dē-ē′) See synarthrosis. syn′ar·thro′di·al adj.syn′ar·thro′di·al·ly adv.fi·brous joint (fī'brŭs joynt) [TA] A union of two bones by fibrous tissue such that there is no joint cavity and almost no motion possible; the types of fibrous joints are sutures, syndesmoses, and gomphoses. Synonym(s): immovable joint, synarthrodia, synarthrodial joint (1) . ThesaurusSeefibrous joint |