

(sin-kon'drō-sē-ot'ŏ-mē), Operation of cutting through a synchondrosis; specifically, cutting through the sacroiliac ligaments and forcibly closing the arch of the pubes; used in the treatment of exstrophy of the bladder. [synchondrosis + G. tomē, cutting]


(sĭn′kŏn-drō′sē-ŏt′ə-mē)n. A procedure for cutting through a synchondrosis, especially cutting through the sacroiliac ligaments and closing the arch of the pubes in the treatment of exstrophy of the bladder.


(sin'kon-drō'sē-ot'ŏ-mē) Operation of cutting through a synchondrosis; specifically, cutting through the sacroiliac ligaments and forcibly closing the pubic arch; used in the treatment of exstrophy of the bladder. [synchondrosis + G. tomē, cutting]


S26-926000 (sĭn″kŏn-drō″sē-ŏt′ō-mē) [″ + chondros, cartilage, + tome, incision] An operation of cutting through the sacroiliac ligaments and closing the arch of the pubes in the congenital absence of the anterior wall of the bladder (exstrophy).