

 [rong´kus] (pl. rhon´chi) (L.) a continuous sound consisting of a dry whistlelike noise with a lower pitch than that of a wheeze, produced in the throat or bronchial tube due to a partial obstruction.


(rŏng′kŭs) plural.rhonchiA low-pitched wheezing, snoring, or squeaking sound heard during auscultation of the chest of a person with partial airway obstruction. Mucus or other secretions in the airway, bronchial hyperreactivity, or tumors that occlude respiratory passages can all cause rhonchi.


Continuous wheezing sounds of low or high pitch heard with a STETHOSCOPE when listening to the breath sounds. Rhonchi are caused by partial obstruction of the smaller breathing tubes in the lungs (bronchioles) by swelling of the lining or by the presence of thick mucus.