

单词 acc
释义 EncyclopediaSeeAAC



 American College of Cardiology.


Abbreviation for anodal closure contraction.


Abbreviation for:
acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase
acinic-cell carcinoma
adenoid cystic carcinoma
Adjusted Credit Ceiling (Medspeak-UK)
agenesis of corpus callosum
alveolar cell carcinoma
ambulatory care center
American College of Cardiology
anodal closure contraction
anterior cingulate cortex
aplasia cutis congenita
Association of County Councils (Medspeak-UK)


(a-kom?a-da'shon) [L. accommodare, to suit],

a; acc

1. Adjustment or adaptation. 2. In ophthalmology, a phenomenon noted in receptors in which continued stimulation fails to elicit a sensation or response.VISUAL ACCOMMODATION3. The adjustment of the eye for various distances whereby it is able to focus the image of an object on the retina by changing the curvature of the lens. In accommodation for near vision, the ciliary muscle contracts, causing increased rounding of the lens, the pupil contracts, and the optic axes converge. These three actions constitute the accommodation reflex. The ability of the eye to accommodate decreases with age. Synonym: ocular accommodation; visual accommodation See: illustration4. In the learning theory of Jean Piaget, the process through which a person's schema of understanding incorporates new experiences that do not fit existing ways of understanding the world. See: adaptation

absolute accommodation

Accommodation of one eye independently of the other.

binocular accommodation

Coordinated accommodation of both eyes jointly.

excessive accommodation

Greater-than-needed accommodation of the eye.

ill-sustained accommodation

Ill-sustained insufficiency.

mechanism accommodation

A method by which curvature of the eye lens is changed in order to focus close objects on the retina.

negative accommodation

Relaxation of the ciliary muscle to adjust for distant vision.

ocular accommodation

Accommodation (3).

positive accommodation

Contraction of the ciliary muscle to adjust for near vision.

reasonable accommodation

An employer's responsibility to provide necessary workplace changes in reassignment, equipment modification, devices, training materials, interpreters, and other adjustments for disabled employees.

relative accommodation

The extent to which accommodation is possible for any specific state of convergence of the eyes.

subnormal accommodation

Insufficient accommodation.

visual accommodation

Accommodation (3).


ACCAir Combat Command (US Air Force)
ACCApple Computer Company
ACCAddiction Counseling Competencies
ACCAtlantic Coast Conference
ACCAssociation of Corporate Counsel
ACCAmerican Chemistry Council
ACCAustin Community College
ACCAmerican College of Cardiology
ACCAlvin Community College (Texas)
ACCAmerican Control Conference
ACCAlpine Club of Canada
ACCAir Canada Centre
ACCAccident Compensation Corporation (New Zealand)
ACCAccessory (automobile ignition setting)
ACCArizona Corporation Commission
ACCAmerican Chamber of Commerce
ACCAthens-Clarke County
ACCAllbritton Communications Company (Arlington, VA)
ACCAdaptive Cruise Control
ACCAccelerometer (physics)
ACCAnimal Crossing Community
ACCAnciens Combattants Canada (Veterans Affairs Canada)
ACCAtlanta Christian College (Atlanta, Georgia)
ACCAlaska Commercial Company (retail stores)
ACCAlways Coca Cola
ACCAir China Cargo
ACCAnglican Church of Canada
ACCAcademic Computer Club (Umeå University)
ACCAsian Cricket Council
ACCAssistant Corporation Counsel (various locations)
ACCAdvanced Clock Calibration
ACCArmy Contracting Command (US Army)
ACCAmerican Campus Communities (Austin, TX)
ACCAccusative (grammatical case)
ACCAndre Citroen Club (est. 1961; German car club)
ACCAnonymous Credit Card
ACCAndover Country Club (Andover, MA)
ACCAnti-Cancer Council (Australia)
ACCAustralian Crime Commission
ACCAdirondack Community College (now SUNY Adirondack)
ACCAmberger Congress Centrum (German convention center)
ACCAustralian Christian Churches (Assemblies of God)
ACCAudit and Compliance Committee (various organizations)
ACCAdolph Coors Company (Coors Brewing Company; Colorado)
ACCArteria Carotis Communis (German: Common Carotid Artery)
ACCAnterior Cingulate Cortex
ACCAdelaide Convention Centre (est. 1987; Australia)
ACCAnglican Consultative Council
ACCAdvising and Career Center (various organizations)
ACCAssociation of County Commissioners (various locations)
ACCAichi Cancer Center (Japan)
ACCAdvanced Clinical Course
ACCAlbuquerque Convention Center (Albuquerque, NM)
ACCAcalculous Cholecystitis (disease)
ACCAfrican Centre for Cities (University of Cape Town; South Africa)
ACCAdvisory Committee on Computing
ACCAmerican Cultural Center (various locations)
ACCAustralian Copyright Council
ACCAugusta Country Club (various locations)
ACCAntique Collectors Club (various locations)
ACCAllied Control Commission (World War II)
ACCAcetyl-CoA-Carboxylases (molecular inhibitor)
ACCAmbulatory Care Center
ACCAthletic Club of Columbus (Columbus, OH)
ACCAmerican Country Countdown (radio program)
ACCAdvanced Computing Center (various locations)
ACCAutomatic Climate Control
ACCAssertive Continuing Care (healthcare)
ACCAnti-Corruption Coalition (various locations)
ACCActive Cruise Control (BMW)
ACCAlpena Community College (Alpena, Michigan)
ACCAnnenberg Center for Communication (California)
ACCAutorização Para Conduzir Ciclomotores (Portuguese: Authorization to Drive Mopeds; Brazilian)
ACCAcademia Cesar Chavez (St. Paul, MN)
ACCAdrenal Chromaffin Cell
ACCActive Cruise Control
ACCActive Control Channel
ACCActive Accessibility Core Component
ACCAutomatic Call Center
ACCAdventure Concept Car
ACCAccess Command
ACCAuto Alarm Cut
ACCAtm Cross Connector
ACCArea Control Centre
ACCAggregate Core Component
ACCAmerican Custom Coachworks
ACCApplication Control Command
ACCAdvanced Concept Construction
ACCAccept Link Service
ACCApostolic Catholic Church (various locations)
ACCAppalachian Center for Craft (Tennessee)
ACCAmerican Craft Council
ACCAllegheny Country Club (Pennsylvania)
ACCAutomotive Credit Corporation (Southfield, MI)
ACCAnaheim Convention Center (Anaheim, California)
ACCAdelphia Communications Corporation
ACCAntioch Community Church (various locations)
ACCAdenoid Cystic Carcinoma
ACCAnglican Catholic Church
ACCAdministrative Committee on Coordination (UN Committee; United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination)
ACCAccredited Cruise Counselor (travel)
ACCAmerican Customer Care
ACCAnchorage Chamber of Commerce (Anchorage, AK)
ACCAssiniboine Community College
ACCAlamance Community College
ACCAntarctic Circumpolar Current
ACCAgenesis of the Corpus Callosum
ACCApplied Computing Conference (World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society)
ACCAirport Conference Center (various locations)
ACCAhwatukee Country Club (Phoenix, AZ)
ACCAssociation of Chiropractic Colleges
ACCAssociation of Conservative Clubs (UK)
ACCAcademic Computer Center
ACCAssociation Chiropratique Canadienne (French: Canadian Chiropractic Association)
ACCAcquisition Community Connection
ACCActuarial Control Cycle
ACCAvailable Call Center
ACCArmy Capstone Concept (US Army)
ACCAnthropogenic Climate Change (WCRP)
ACCArlington Convention Center (Texas)
ACCAir Component Commander
ACCAdvanced College Credit (various schools)
ACCAnime Comics Club (various locations)
ACCAll Ceramic Crown (dentistry)
ACCAdvanced Computer Communications
ACCAberdeen City Council
ACCAbrupt Climate Change
ACCAdaptive Computing Controller (SAP)
ACCAdventist Church Connect (Lincoln, NE)
ACCAnimal Care Committee
ACCArea Consultative Committees
ACCAcquisition Category
ACCAdoption Council of Canada
ACCAirport Consultants Council
ACCAustralia-China Council
ACCAir Cooled Condenser (HVAC)
ACCAquaculture Certification Council
ACCAssociation for Community Colleges
ACCArmy Catering Corps (UK)
ACCAutomated Control Concepts, Inc. (Neptune, NJ)
ACCAircraft Commander
ACCAirlift Control Center
ACCAmerican Council of Churches (est. 1941)
ACCAssembly of Confessing Congregations (Australia)
ACCAfrican Conservation Centre
ACCAplasia Cutis Congenita
ACCAutomatic Cruise Control
ACCArlington Career Center (Arlington, VA)
ACCAcid Copper Chromate
ACCAll Counties Courier (California)
ACCArab Cooperation Council
ACCArab-American and Chaldean Council (Lathrop Village, Michigan; Detroit Area)
ACCAbilene Christian College (now Abilene Christian University; Abilene, TX, USA)
ACCAmerican Cyanamid Company
ACCAir Carrier Certificate (US DOT)
ACCAssociated Cement Companies Limited (India)
ACCAmerican Cellular Corporation (various locations)
ACCArizona Chamber of Commerce
ACCAltocumulus Castellanus
ACCAir Control Center
ACCAmherst Community Church (various locations)
ACCAtlantic Cruising Club (New York)
ACCAustralian Caption Centre (now Media Access Australia)
ACCAtlantic Coast Championship
ACCAssociation Canadienne de la Construction
ACCAir Conservation Commission (Missouri)
ACCArts & Cultural Council (various locations)
ACCAfilias Canada Corp. (Canada)
ACCAnnual Career Conference (various organizations)
ACCAfter Camp Care (various organizations)
ACCArcadia Commons Campus (Kalamazoo Valley Community College; Kalamazoo, MI)
ACCAcademic Code of Conduct (various schools)
ACCAlaska Coastal Current
ACCAmputee Care Center (Indiana)
ACCAdvanced Computer Concepts
ACCAirport Consultative Committee
ACCAmelia Church of Christ
ACCAutomovil Club de Colombia (Spanish: Automobile Club of Colombia)
ACCAcademic Competitiveness Council (Deficit Reduction Act of 2005)
ACCAnti-Crisis Coalition (Ukraine)
ACCAssistant Convoy Commander
ACCAssociation of Collecting Clubs
ACCAlaska Christian College (Soldotna, AK)
ACCAccess Control Center
ACCAutonomous Cruise Control
ACCAdvanced Capitalist Country
ACCAsian Chemical Congress
ACCAcademic Conduct Committee (various schools)
ACCAirport Corporate Center (various locations)
ACCACNM Certification Council (for certified nurse-midwives and certified midwives)
ACCAssociation of Clinical Cytogeneticists
ACCActive Clearance Control
ACCArthur Charles Clarke (late British science fiction author)
ACCAutomotive Composites Consortium
ACCAutomatic Current Control
ACCArea Coordination Center
ACCAshland Community College (Ashland, Kentucky, USA)
ACCAmerican Cribbage Congress
ACCAssistant County Commissioner (scouting)
ACCAnchorage Community College
ACCAthletic and Convocation Center (Milton Academy)
ACCArmy Competitive Category
ACCArmy Chemical Corps
ACCAnnual Compliance Certification
ACCAcute Care Clinic
ACCAnimal Care Certified
ACCAnti-Capitalist Convergence (various locations)
ACCAlternative Construction Company, Inc. (Melbourne, FL)
ACCAscending Chain Condition (mathematics)
ACCArea Communication Controller
ACCAlberton Community Church (Alberton, MT)
ACCAmmunition Condition Code (US Army)
ACCAnnual Cardiology Conference
ACCAirport Communities Coalition
ACCArchitecture Control Committee
ACCAutomatic Combustion Control
ACCAutomatic Congestion Control
ACCAccra, Ghana - Kotoka (Airport Code)
ACCAlamo Community Colleges
ACCAdvanced Cable Communications (Florida)
ACCAlliance Cost Containment
ACCAnalog Control Channel
ACCAllegheny Communications Connect (Allegheny Energy)
ACCAluminum Can Crusher
ACCAnglesey County Council (Wales, UK)
ACCAmerican Coastal Coalition
ACCArmy Component Command
ACCAssociation for Creativity in Counseling
ACCArmy Civilian Corps (US Army)
ACCArmy Component Commander
ACCAdvantage Capital Corporation
ACCArmy Comptroller Course
ACCAir Coordinating Committee
ACCAlternate Command Center
ACCAssociation des Cinémas du Centre (French cinema association)
ACCAmericans for Common Cents (Washington, DC)
ACCAklan Catholic College (Philippines)
ACCAir Traffic Controller Chief Petty Officer (US Navy rank)
ACCAtari Competence Center
ACCArts Consortium of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH)
ACCApproximate Coupled Cluster
ACCAccounting Classification Code
ACCAft Cargo Carrier
ACCAlliance for Competitive Communications
ACCAdvanced Computer Connections, Inc.
ACCAmerican Copper Council
ACCAdvanced Concepts Center, LLC
ACCAggregate-based Congestion Control
ACCAssociation des Conseillers Chrétiens (French: Christian Counselors Association)
ACCAudio Communications Controller
ACCASEAN Chess Confederation
ACCArmy Communications Command
ACCAmerica Connects Consortium
ACCAnodal Closure Contraction
ACCArgonne Code Center (Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois)
ACCActive Congestion Control
ACCAir Controlman Chief Petty Officer (US Navy rank)
ACCAero Club of Canada
ACCAsphaltic Cement Concrete
ACCArchitecture Coordination Council
ACCAtlantic Coast Communications
ACCAutomatic Callback Calling
ACCAccredited Clinical Coder (UK standard for a qualified medical coder)
ACCAutomatic Chrominance Control
ACCAlarm Control Center
ACCAmateur Computer Club
ACCAutomatic Contrast Control
ACCAssociation des Camps du Canada (Canadian Camping Association)
ACCAustin Civic Chorus
ACCAir Conditioning Controller
ACCAbnormal Condition Control
ACCAlternatives to Compressor Cooling
ACCAverage Current-Mode Control
ACCAuckland Car Club (New Zealand)
ACCArm Chair Commandos (gaming clan)
ACCAnálisis de Correlación Canónica (Spanish: Canonical Correlation Analysis)
ACCActive Citizenship Campaign
ACCAmerica's Corvette Club (various locations)
ACCAvon Computer Co-Operative (Bristol, UK)
ACCAssociation for Clinical Cytogenetics (Oxford, UK)
ACCArmy Corrections Command
ACCAegis Computer Center (Dahlgren)
ACCAmerican Cadet Alliance
ACCAged and Community Care division (Australian Department of Health & Aged Care)
ACCAirspace Coordination Center
ACCAdvanced Communications Controller
ACCAdjacent Channel Constraint
ACCALMA Coordinating Committee (European Southern Observatory)
ACCArea Control Center/Centre
ACCAMEX Commodities Corporation
ACCAuto-Correlation Coefficient
ACCArmy Commanders' Conference
ACCAmerican Chicle Company
ACCAlternate Control Center
ACCAgricultural Council of California
ACCAudit-Comptabilité-Conseil (French: Auditing-Accounting Council)
ACCAccessible Congregations Campaign
ACCAgricultural Credit Corporation Ltd.
ACCApplication Control Code
ACCAutomatic Control Channel
ACCAutomatic Carrier Control
ACCAssociated Corporate Consultants
ACCAuto Claims Central
ACCAllobroges Centre Culturel (French: Allobroges Cultural Center)
ACCAntenna Control Console
ACCAeronautics Advisory Committee
ACCAirlift Coordination Center
ACCAbsolute Concentration Curve
ACCAffordability Cost Candidate
ACCAnalytical Chemistry and Chemometrics
ACCAjax Community Center (Ajax, Ontario, Canada)
ACCAuxiliary Control Console
ACCAdministrative Concepts Corporation (Bradenton, FL)
ACCAir Center Commander
ACCAquifer Contamination Control
ACCAttack Control Center
ACCAreas Criticas de Conhecimento
ACCAntenna Clustering Capacity
ACCAirworthiness Control Committee
ACCAltapex Construction Corporation
ACCAmphibious Control Center
ACCAwaiting Component Change
ACCAthlétique Club Chapelain (French athletic club)
ACCArmy Control Center
ACCAliasing Cancellation Condition
ACCAmerican Coaster Club
ACCAuto Claims Center
ACCAutomated Change Control
ACCAirspace/Air Control Center
ACCChief Air Controlman (US Navy Rating)
ACCAttack Control Console
ACCBLACKER Access Controller
ACCAirspace Coordination Cell
ACCAir Crew Change
ACCAbsent Causing Concern (informal patients missing from a mental health facility in New Zealand)
ACCAvailability Cost Calculator
ACCAutomated Customer Correspondence (Sprint)
ACCAvailable Agent Call Counter (Sprint)
ACCAdvanced Computer Controls, Incorporated
ACCAvionics Control Computer (US Air Force)


  • noun

Synonyms for ACC

noun a command that is the primary provider of air combat weapon systems to the United States Air Force


  • Air Combat Command

Related Words

  • command
  • U. S. Air Force
  • United States Air Force
  • US Air Force
  • USAF
  • Air Force




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