Acronym | Definition |
ACCA➣Air Conditioning Contractors of America Association, Inc. |
ACCA➣Association of Chartered Certified Accountants |
ACCA➣Air Conditioning Contractors of America (trade association) |
ACCA➣Asia Cloud Computing Association |
ACCA➣Australian Centre for Contemporary Art (Melbourne, Australia) |
ACCA➣American Corporate Counsel Association |
ACCA➣Air Conditioning Contractors Association (Texas) |
ACCA➣Association Communale de Chasse Agréée (France) |
ACCA➣American College Counseling Association |
ACCA➣Advanced Composite Cargo Aircraft (US Air Force) |
ACCA➣Annandale Christian Community for Action (Annandale, VA) |
ACCA➣Accelerated Capital Cost Allowance |
ACCA➣Alaska Center for Children and Adults (Fairbanks, AK) |
ACCA➣Association of County Commissions of Alabama |
ACCA➣Army Court of Criminal Appeals |
ACCA➣Aboriginal Child Care Agency (Australia) |
ACCA➣Australasian Cemeteries and Crematoria Association (est. 1985) |
ACCA➣Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Hong Kong |
ACCA➣Armed Career Criminal Act of 1984 |
ACCA➣Antiochian Catholic Church in America (various locations) |
ACCA➣Automatic Cloud Cover Assessment |
ACCA➣Alberta Call Centre Association (Canada) |
ACCA➣African Child Care Association (now African Aid Organization) |
ACCA➣American Contract Compliance Association (St. Paul, MN) |
ACCA➣Associated Communications Companies of America |
ACCA➣Associate of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants |
ACCA➣Association of Certified Corporate Accountants |
ACCA➣Afro-Canadian Caribbean Association (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) |
ACCA➣America's Cup Challenge Association |
ACCA➣Apostolic Christian Church of America |
ACCA➣Aircrew Contamination Control Area |
ACCA➣American Cars Club d'Armor (French car club) |
ACCA➣Anglican Catholic Church of Australia |
ACCA➣Addictions Care Center of Albany, Inc (Albany, NY) |
ACCA➣Ashtabula County Council on Aging |
ACCA➣Arctic Cat Club of America |
ACCA➣Airline Cabin Crew Association (Karachi, Pakistan) |
ACCA➣Agricultural Commodities Certification Association (Washington, DC) |