
plump 1

P0383200 (plŭmp)adj. plump·er, plump·est 1. Well-rounded and full in form; chubby. See Synonyms at fat.2. Abundant; ample: a plump reward.v. plumped, plump·ing, plumps To make well-rounded or full in form: plumped up the pillows.v.intr. To become well-rounded, chubby, or full in form: The baby plumped out at three months.
[Middle English, dull, probably from Middle Low German plomp, blunt, thick.]
plump′ish adj.plump′ly adv.plump′ness n.

plump 2

P0383200 (plŭmp)v. plumped, plump·ing, plumps v.intr.1. To drop abruptly or heavily: plumped into the easy chair.2. To give full support or praise: plumped for the candidate throughout the To throw down or drop (something) abruptly or heavily: plumped the books onto the table.n.1. A heavy or abrupt fall or collision.2. The sound of a heavy fall or collision.adj. Blunt; direct.adv.1. With a heavy or abrupt drop: The anchor fell plump into the sea.2. a. With a full or sudden impact: walked plump into the pole.b. Directly: ran plump into an old friend.3. Without qualification; bluntly: spoke out plump for the tax bill.
[Middle English plumpen, to immerse quickly, perhaps from Middle Low German, probably of imitative origin.]


(ˈplamp) adjective pleasantly fat and rounded; well filled out. plump cheeks. 豐滿的 丰满的plumply adverb 使豐滿地 使丰满地ˈplumpness noun 豐滿 丰满plump up to shake (pillows etc) to restore their shape. 使鼓起 使鼓起