Plumptre, Edward Hayes

Plumptre, Edward Hayes

(plŭmp`trē), 1821–91, English clergyman and classical scholar. At King's College, London, he was chaplain (1847–68), professor of pastoral theology (1853–63), and professor of New Testament exegesis (1863–81). In 1863 he became a prebendary of St. Paul's, London. In 1881 he was made dean of Wells. Plumptre was one of the revisers (1869–74) of the Old Testament. His hymns include "Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart" (1865). Among his publications are Lazarus and Other Poems (1864), Master and Scholar (1866), and Things New and Old (1884). He also translated the plays of Sophocles (1865; rev. ed., 1867) and Aeschylus (1868), and Dante in Commedia and Canzoniere (1886–87).