specular microscope

specular microscope

A camera that takes high-magnification images of the cellular layer of the inner surface of the cornea. It is used, e.g., to evaluate the healing of the corneal epithelium after corneal injury or corneal surgery (“keratectomy”). See also: microscope


Return or bending of light by a surface such that it continues to travel in the same medium.
angle of reflection See angle of reflection.
diffuse reflection Reflection from a surface that is not polished and light is reflected in many or all directions (Fig. R4). Syn. irregular reflection. See diffusion; glossmeter; matt surface.
direct reflection See specular reflection.
reflection factor See reflectance.
irregular reflection See diffuse reflection.
law of reflection See law of reflection.
mixed reflection The simultaneous occurrence of diffuse and specular reflection.
regular reflection See specular reflection.
specular reflection Reflection from a polished surface in which there is no scattering and light travels back in a definite direction (Fig. R4). Syn. direct reflection; regular reflection. See specular microscope.
surface reflection Light reflected at a surface according to Fresnel's formula.
total reflection Reflection occurring when light is incident at an angle greater than the critical angle. Syn. total internal reflection. See reflecting prism.
total internal reflection See total reflection.enlarge picture" >Fig. R4 A, specular reflection; the angle of incidence i is equal to the angle of reflection i ′. B, diffuse reflectionenlarge pictureFig. R4 A, specular reflection; the angle of incidence i is equal to the angle of reflection i′. B, diffuse reflection