the zone

Environment See Zone of Alienation
Sports medicine
(1) A popular term used by some athletes for heart rates—zones—that reflect the intensity of a workout or exercise routine
(2) A popular term for a state of maximum physical, mental and psychological performance (‘the zone’)
Vox populi A place, area or region with specified boundaries

the 'zone'

Sports medicine 1. A popular term used by some amateur athletes for heart rates–zones that reflect the intensity of a workout or exercise routine.2. A state of maximum physical, mental and psychological performance achieved by star athletes for fleeting moments in their careers. See Zone-favorable diet Vox populi A place, area or region with specified boundaries. See Body buffer zone, Convergence zone, Convergent zone, Epileptic zone, Forbidden zone, Gray zone, Health zone, Hot zone, Quiet zone, Safety zone, Transformation zone, Trigger zone, Twilight zone.