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sco·to·pi·a S0159700 (skə-tō′pē-ə)n. The ability to see in darkness or dim light; dark-adapted vision. [Greek skotos, darkness + -opia.] sco·to′pic (-tō′pĭk, -tŏp′ĭk) adj.scotopia (skəˈtəʊpɪə; skəʊ-) n (Physiology) the ability of the eye to adjust for night vision[New Latin, from Greek skotos darkness + -opia] scotopic adjsco•to•pi•a (skəˈtoʊ pi ə, skoʊ-) n. vision in dim light (opposed to photopia).Compare dark adaptation. [1910–15; < Greek skót(os) darkness + -opia] sco•top′ic (-ˈtɒp ɪk) adj. scotopiavision in dim light or darkness. Cf. photopia. — scotopic, adj.See also: Eyes vision in dim light or darkness. See also photopia. — scotopic, adj.See also: DarknessTranslationsscotophor scotophor[′skäd·ə‚fȯr] (materials) A solid that exhibits reversible darkening and bleaching actions of tenebrescence under suitable irradiation. scotopia
scotopia [sko-to´pe-ah] 1. night vision.2. the adjustment of the eye for darkness; dark adaptation. adj., adj scotop´ic.sco·top·ic vis·ionvision when the eye is dark-adapted. See also: dark adaptation, dark-adapted eye. Synonym(s): night vision, rod vision, scotopia, twilight visionscotopia (skə-tō′pē-ə)n. The ability to see in darkness or dim light; dark-adapted vision. sco·to′pic (-tō′pĭk, -tŏp′ĭk) adj.sco·top·ic vi·sion (skō-top'ik vizh'ŭn) Vision when the eye is dark adapted. See also: dark adaptation, dark-adapted eye Synonym(s): night vision, scotopia. scotopia Ability to see in poor light. Vision adapted to night-time conditions.ThesaurusSeescotopic vision |