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teleonomic (ˌtiːlɪəˈnɒmɪk) adj (Biology) biology relating to teleonomyteleonomic
tel·e·o·nom·ic (tel'ē-ō-nom'ik), 1. Pertaining to teleonomy. 2. In psychology, pertaining to those patterns of behavior that are a function of an inferred purpose or motive; for example, a child's behavior pattern may be classified teleonomically by an observer as attention-getting. teleonomy (tĕl″ē-ŏn′ō-mē) [″ + nomos, law] The concept that, in an organism or animal, the existence of a structure, capability, or function indicates that it had survival value.teleonomic (tĕl″ē-ō-nŏm′ĭk), adjective |