


T0409200 (tŭmp′līn′)n. A strap slung across the forehead or the chest to support a load carried on the back.
[tump (alteration of mattump, of Southern New England Algonquian origin) + line.]


(ˈtʌmpˌlaɪn) n(in the US and Canada, esp formerly) a leather or cloth band strung across the forehead or chest and attached to a pack or load in order to support it. Also called: tump [C19: from tump, of Algonquian origin + line1; compare Abnaki mádǔmbi pack strap]



n. a strap or sling passed around the forehead to help support a pack carried on a person's back. [1790–1800, Amer.; tump, earlier mattump, metomp < Southern New England Algonquian (< proto-Eastern Algonquian *mat- empty root appearing in names of crafted objects + *-a·pəy string)]