Streletskii Prikaz
Streletskii Prikaz
(Musketeers’ Prikaz), one of the central governmental institutions in Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries. The Streletskii Prikaz is first mentioned in sources in 1571; previously, from the 1550’s, the term was Streletskaia Izba. The Streletskii Prikaz was in charge of the Moscow and gorodovyestrel’tsy, their lands and households, the payment of their salaries in money and grain, and their judicial affairs. Between 1672 and 1683 it also collected the streletskie den’gi—the principal direct tax of the period. After the strel’tsy uprising of 1698, the Strelet skii Prikaz dealt with administrative-economic matters. In 1701, having inherited the duties of the Zemskii Prikaz with respect to the police administration of Moscow, it was reorganized as the Prikaz Zemskikh Del.