Balance Valuation
Balance Valuation
evaluation of fixed capital stock and working capital in monetary terms in a bookkeeping balance. The original cost, replacement cost, and inventory cost are used to evaluate fixed capital stock in a balance. As a rule, fixed capital assets in a balance are reflected in their original cost, which consists of expenditures in erecting (or building) or acquiring them and the costs of their delivery and installation. For fixed assets reevaluated on Jan. 1,1960, their replacement cost as established in the reevaluation is shown in the balance. Fixed capital assets that were erected (or built) or acquired with capital investments are entered in the balance with their inventory cost. Facilities that came in free of charge under the procedure established by law are tabulated in the balance from the bookkeeping data of the transferring side, which are set down in the documents on the transfer (for equipment requiring installation, this includes the receiver’s installation costs). Raw materials, basic and auxiliary materials, fuel, packaging, and spare parts for repairs, merchandise, finished output, and so forth are shown in the balance with their actual cost. Low-value and rapidly depreciating items are shown with their original cost, but their depreciation is reflected in a separate subhead on the debit side of the balance.
“Polozhenie o bukhgalterskikh otchetakh i balansakh gosudar-stvennykh, kooperativnykh (krome kolkhozov) i obshchestven-nykh predpriiatii i organizatsii.” In Spravochnik po bukhgalter-skomu uchetu,4th ed. Moscow, 1965. Pages 447–62.“Polozhenie po bukhgalterskomu uchetu osnovnykh fondov (sredstv) gosudarstvennykh, kooperativnykh (krome kolkhozov) i obshchestvennykh predpriiatii i organizatsii.” Ibid. Pages 112–32.