RICCRhode Island Convention Center
RICCRhode Island Country Club
RICCRiviera International Conference Centre (UK)
RICCRhode Island Community College
RICCRock Island Contracting Center (US Army)
RICCRiken Integrated Cluster of Clusters (supercomputer)
RICCResearch Institute for Cosmopolitan Cultures (University of Manchester; UK)
RICCReportable Item Control Code
RICCRhema International Christian Center (Okinawa, Japan)
RICCRemote Interface Connection Cable (computer technology)
RICCResearch Into Childhood Cancer
RICCRetirement Information and Counseling Center (EPA)
RICCRhode Island Children's Chorus (est. 2003)
RICCReusable Integrated Command Center
RICCRape and Incest Crisis Centre (UK)
RICCReportback IWS Control Circuit