

单词 pmi



abbreviation for 1. (Insurance) private medical insurance 2. (Social Welfare) private medical insurance




Abbreviation for point of maximal impulse; point of maximum intensity.


Abbreviation for:
Pain Management Inventory
painless myocardial ischaemia
panoramic mandibular index
past medical illness
Patient Master Index 
patient medication instruction
patient medication instruction
Physician Manager Institute
point of maximum impulse
posterior myocardial infarction
postmortem interval
present medical illness
previous medical illness
prior myocardial infarction
private medical insurance


Point of maximum impulse, see there.


Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)

Policy protecting the holder against loss resulting from default on a mortgage loan.

Private Mortgage Insurance

An insurance policy that a mortgage holder buys on behalf of a lender, protecting the lender in the event of default on the mortgage. Most lenders require their mortgage borrowers to purchase PMIs if the mortgage's loan-to-value ratio is more than 80%. Generally speaking, annual premium payments on PMIs are equal to 0.5% of the value of the mortgage at the time it is borrowed. When the loan-to-value ratio falls below 78%, most lenders are required to inform homeowners that they may cancel their PMI policies. Some borrowers avoid PMI by taking out a piggyback mortgage, that is, a second mortgage allowing one to borrow up to 100% of the home's value in which the loan-to-value ratio is approximately 80% in the first mortgage and 20% in the piggyback.

Private mortgage insurance (PMI).

When you buy a home with a down payment of less than 20% of the purchase price, your lender may require you to buy private mortgage insurance (PMI), which protects the lender against the risk that you may fail to repay your loan.

The premiums you can expect to pay will vary, but typically come to about 0.5% of the total amount you borrow.

For instance, on a $150,000 mortgage, a typical annual PMI premium would be $750, which is 0.5% of $150,000. Divided into monthly payments, this premium would come out to $62.50 a month.

You can usually cancel your PMI when you meet certain criteria. Generally, this is when the balance of the mortgage is paid down to 80% of either your home's original purchase price or its appraisal value at the time you took out the loan. You can check if it's possible to cancel your PMI by reviewing your annual mortgage statements or by calling your mortgage lender.

If you forget to cancel your PMI, your lender is required by federal law to end the insurance once your outstanding balance reaches 78% of the original purchase price or appraisal value at the time you took the loan, or you have reached the mid-point of the loan term, provided you meet certain requirements.

The lender must give you information about the termination requirement at closing. There are some exceptions to the termination rule, including high risk mortgages, VA and FHA mortgages, and those negotiated before July 29, 1999.


See private mortgage insurance.


See Private Mortgage Insurance.


PMIProject Management Institute
PMIPrivate Mortgage Insurance
PMIPhilip Morris International
PMIPrivate Medical Insurance (various companies)
PMIPiccole e Medie Imprese
PMIPositive Material Identification
PMIProtection Maternelle et Infantile (French: Mother and infant welfare)
PMIProgressive Medical, Inc. (Ohio)
PMIPrimary Metals, Inc. (various locations)
PMIPerformance, Measurement and Improvement
PMIPerformance Monitoring Infrastructure (software)
PMIPima Medical Institute (Western US)
PMIPlumbing Manufacturers Institute
PMIPost-Merger Integration
PMIPresidential Management Intern
PMIPlanar Monolithics Industries (various locations)
PMIPost Mortem Interval (forensics; time from when death occurs until the body is discovered)
PMIPrincipal Mortgage Insurance (housing)
PMIPhoto-Me International (various locations)
PMIPurchasing Manager's Index
PMIProduct Manufacturing Information
PMIPlant-Microbe Interactions (research group)
PMIPerformance Monitoring Infrastructure
PMIProgrammable Multispectral Imager
PMIPower Memory International
PMIPhysical Medium Independent
PMIPhysical Man to Machine Interaction
PMIPower Management Interface
PMIPerformance Monitor Interface
PMIPayload Missing Indication
PMIPartial Medium Indicator
PMIPicture Music International
PMIPetites et Moyennes Industries (French: small and medium-sized industries)
PMIPrecept Ministries International (Chattanooga, TN)
PMIPrivate Medical Information
PMIPiccole e Medie Industrie
PMIPensions Management Institute
PMIPurina Mills, Inc.
PMIPhoenix Marketing International (New York)
PMIPacific Maritime Institute (Seattle, WA)
PMIPreventive Maintenance Inspection
PMIPoint of Maximal Impulse
PMIPlus Minus Interesting
PMIPublic Media, Inc. (New York)
PMIPiping Material Identification
PMIPatient Master Index (hospital database for patient demographic information)
PMIPower Medical Interventions (Langhorne, PA)
PMIPerioperative Myocardial Infarction
PMIPreservation Management Institute (various locations)
PMIPursuit Marketing, Inc.
PMIPriority Mail International (USPS)
PMIPalmer Memorial Institute (North Carolina)
PMIPersonal Medical Insurance (UK)
PMIPost Musical Instruments (Netherlands)
PMIPerformance Measurement Initiative (education)
PMIParadigm Medical Industries (est. 1996)
PMIPost Myocardial Infarction
PMIPerformance Monitor Interface (software)
PMIProject Management Interface
PMIPoint of Maximum Impulse
PMIPhase Measuring Interferometer
PMIProgram Management Integration
PMIPurchased Material Inspection (manufacturing)
PMIPrinciple of Mathematical Induction
PMIPerson-Machine Interface (aka user interface)
PMIPermission Management Infrastructure
PMIPalma Mallorca, Mallorca Island, Spain - Palma Mallorca (Airport Code)
PMIPost Modification Inspection
PMIPatient Movement Items
PMIPositive Material Inspection
PMIPhilip Morris Institute
PMIPre-Market Indicator
PMIPhilippine Maritime Institute
PMIPlanned Maintenance Interval
PMIPoint of Maximal Impact (cardiac exams)
PMIPreliminary Marksmanship Instruction
PMIPrimary Marksmanship Instruction (US Army)
PMIPrinciple Maintenance Inspector
PMIPublic Management Initiative (Stanford University; California)
PMIPhysician Management Institute (Canadian Medical Association)
PMIPrivatized Military Industry
PMIPost Merge Integration
PMIPerimeter Ministries International
PMIPolicy Management Infrastructure
PMIPreventive Maintenance Instructions
PMIProposed Military Improvement
PMIProject Management Intern
PMIPrevention of Mutual Interference
PMIPM (evening) Inspection (US Military Academy)
PMIPersonnel Management Intern
PMIPrivileged Management Infrastructure
PMIProduction Manager Index
PMIProgramming Modeling Interface (IBM)
PMIPure Metal Insert
PMIProduction Modernization Initiative
PMIPhysical Model Interface
PMIProcess Manager Infrastructure
PMIPressure Mean Indicator (marine engines)
PMIPeriodic Maintenance Interval
PMIProof of Mathematical Induction
PMIPresent-Minded Individualism
PMIProcessor Maintenance Interface (Tandem)
PMIProvost Marshal Investigator
PMIPolitico-Military Interactions
PMIPalang Mérah Indonesia (Indonesian: Indonesian Red Cross)
PMIPicture Manipulation Instruction
PMIPower Margin Indicator
PMIPrestation de Maintenance Intégrée (French: Integrated Maintenance Services)
PMIPrecoding Matrix Indicator (telecommunications)
PMIPrior Mutual Information




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