ACICArkansas Crime Information Center
ACICAeronautical Chart and Information Center (military aviation support organization)
ACICAssociation of California Insurance Companies (Sacramento, CA)
ACICAmerican Contractors Indemnity Company (surety; California)
ACICAssociation Congolaise des Ingénieurs Civils (French: Congolaise Association of Civil Engineers)
ACICArmy Counterintelligence Center
ACICAnglican Coalition in Canada
ACICAgricultural Conservation Innovation Center
ACICArizona Crime Information Center
ACICAcademic and Career Information Center
ACICAnglican Church International Communion
ACICAeronautical Chart & Information Center
ACICAll Canadian Investment Corporation
ACICAutomated Combat Information System
ACICAmerican Collegiate Intramural Championships (Campus Concepts)
ACICAerospace Defense Command Current Intelligence Center
ACICAutomated Combat Intelligence Center
ACICAutomatic Combat Intelligence Center
ACICArmoured Control & Instrument Cable
ACICAutomatic Computation for Information and Control (Mons, Belgium)