Thiemann syndrome

Thie·mann syn·drome

(tē'mahn), avascular necrosis of the epiphyses of phalanges of fingers or toes, usually familial, beginning in childhood or adolescence, leading to deformity of fingers; also called familial arthropathy of the fingers or toes. Synonym(s): Thiemann disease

Thie·mann syn·drome

(tē'mahn), avascular necrosis of the epiphyses of phalanges of fingers or toes, usually familial, beginning in childhood or adolescence, leading to deformity of fingers; also called familial arthropathy of the fingers or toes. Synonym(s): Thiemann disease

Thie·mann syn·drome

(tē'mahn sin'drōm) Avascular necrosis of the epiphyses of phalanges of fingers or toes, usually familial, beginning in childhood or adolescence, leading to deformity of the fingers; also called familial arthropathy of the fingers or toes.


H., early 20th century German physician. Thiemann syndrome - avascular necrosis of the epiphyses of phalanges of fingers or toes. Synonym(s): familial arthropathy of the fingers or toes; Thiemann diseaseThiemann disease - Synonym(s): Thiemann syndrome