quadripedal extensor reflex

qua·dri·pe·dal ex·ten·sor re·flex

extension of the arm of a hemiplegic patient when turned prone as if on all fours. Synonym(s): Brain reflex

quadripedal extensor reflex

(kwŏd′rə-pĕd′l, -pēd′l)n. Extension of the arm on the affected side in hemiplegia when the patient is positioned to be on all fours.

qua·dri·pe·dal ex·ten·sor re·flex

(kwahd'ri-ped'ăl eks-ten'sŏr rē'fleks) Extension of the arm of a hemiplegic patient when turned prone as if on all fours.
Synonym(s): Brain reflex.


Lord W. Russell, English physician, 1895-1966. Brain reflex - extension of the arm of a hemiplegic patient when turned prone as if on all fours. Synonym(s): quadripedal extensor reflex