Tomas Stitny

Štítný, Tomáš


Born circa 1333; died circa 1405. Czech writer.

Štítný studied at the University of Prague. He wrote the first prose works in Czech and was a forerunner of the writers of the Hussite era. His tracts include On the Three States—Virgin, Married Woman, and Widow; On Man, Wife, and Servants; and Words From Conversations. Reflecting the views of the petty nobility, who were opposed to the Catholic Church, the tracts criticized the contemporary social order, defended the common man, and preached Christian morality and moral self-improvement. Stitny’s style was simple and clear.


Knížky o hře šachovéa jiné, Prague, 1956.
Sborník vyšehradskí, vols. 1–2. Prague, 1960.


Iakubets, Ia., and A. Novak. Istoriia cheshskoi literatury, part 1. Prague, 1926. (Translated from German.)
Dějiny české literatury, vol. 1. Prague, 1959. Pages 173–83.