Richard M. Nixon-The Conspiracy President

Richard M. Nixon—The Conspiracy President
Can all of Richard M. Nixon’s successes and achievements, trials and tribulations be attributed to his being a pawn of the Illuminati?
It must be decided by future historians how Richard M. Nixon will be assessed as a president of the United States. There are those of his contemporaries who regard him as a great statesman, a master analyst of foreign policy, and an extremely reserved, intelligent man who came from a devout Quaker background. Others see him as a man beset by his own perception that he was always the underdog, the victim of others’ malevolence, and that he must denigrate and retaliate against all who opposed him. He spoke with pride of his political crises and how he always managed to emerge stronger than before. Others perceived most of his crises as being of his own making and considered him a paranoid, destructive personality.
Conspiracy theorists judge Nixon as a man convinced that others were always conspiring against him and who dealt with this persistent paranoia by becoming involved in conspiracy after conspiracy against others until he was forced to leave the presidency because of the bungled conspiracy of Watergate.
Nixon graduated third in his class at Duke Law School and sought work with a law firm in New York. Disappointed that he was unable to find satisfactory employment, he returned home to Whittier, California. In 1940 he married schoolteacher Pat Ryan, who would later become invaluable to his political career. He served as a naval officer beginning in 1942 and first ventured into politics in 1946. According to conspiracists, he was backed by eastern establishment money when he rose out of obscurity to defeat incumbent California congressman Jerry Voorhis, who was anti–Federal Reserve. Nixon also began the practice of portraying himself as the underdog and denigrating his opponent: He proclaimed to the voters that he was a family man and a “champion of the forgotten man,” while Voorhis was a Communist.
In 1948 Nixon became a national figure as a member of the House Committee on Un-American Activities because of his persecution of Alger Hiss, formerly a respected adviser to Franklin D. Roosevelt, as a Soviet Union spy. Whittaker Chambers, an editor at Time Life who had known Communist ties, had first accused Hiss, and Nixon soon saw Communist-hunting as a certain path to political fame. He continued to build his anti-Communist credentials for two terms in Congress, then, after a hostile campaign in which he accused his opponent, Helen Douglas, of being a “pinko communist,” pink right down to her underwear, he was elected to the U.S. Senate. Douglas had some satisfaction when she gave Nixon the nickname of “Tricky Dick,” which would haunt him throughout the rest of his career.
In 1952 Nixon was rewarded for helping to create an Eisenhower majority in California by being placed on the presidential ticket as Ike’s running mate. Nixon held on to that position in spite of press reports about the undeclared donations from businessmen that had helped begin his career. Although a portion of the U.S. population began their distaste of Nixon because of the scandal, his televised, shamelessly whining and manipulative “Checkers” speech (the only “donation” he had accepted was a cocker spaniel that his daughter Tricia had named Checkers), he remained on the ballot—and continued as vice president under Eisenhower for eight years.
Conspiracists maintain that during the 1960 Republican convention in Chicago, Nixon flew to New York for a secret meeting with Nelson Rockefeller, a high-ranking Bilderberger and New World Order member. Nixon was given the Fourteen Points of the Compact of Fifth Avenue, which inserted the socialistic agenda of Rockefeller into the Republican Party platform. During his eight years as vice president Nixon became one of the most active “veeps” in American history. He was involved in the Communist hunts of Senator Joseph McCarthy, he was integral in dissolution of the Suez Crisis of 1954, and he met with the nominal leader of the Communist world, the Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev. The presidency seemed a sure thing for Richard M. Nixon in 1960.
But the Illuminati had decided against Nixon’s achieving the position at that time—and they made certain of his defeat by instructing the extremely popular President Eisenhower to belittle Nixon’s contributions as a vice president, even declaring at a press conference that he was unable to think of a single thing worthwhile that Nixon had contributed during the eight years of the Eisenhower administration. Pains were also taken to be certain that John F. Kennedy received the right advisers on makeup, camera techniques, and lighting for his televised debate with Nixon, thereby ensuring that JFK would appear young and handsome while Nixon came off as haggard, worn, old, and profusely sweating and ill at ease.
After Kennedy won the presidential election in 1960, Nixon made an unsuccessful bid for the governorship of California, then moved to New York to become a law partner in the firm of John Mitchell, Nelson Rockefeller’s personal attorney. The Nixon family lived in a Fifth Avenue apartment building owned by Rockefeller. From 1961 to 1965 Nixon was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and began to rebuild his political power with the help of the New World Order.
On November 22, 1963, the Dallas Morning News contained an unsigned leaflet that prominently displayed a photo of President John F. Kennedy under the indictment, “Wanted for Treason.” Researchers later claimed that the incendiary leaflet had been designed at an alleged Pepsi-Cola convention and drafted by attorneys of the Rockefeller law firm of Nixon, Mudge, Rose, Guthrie, and Alexander as a tool to be used in the 1964 presidential campaign. Although no solid proof has ever been forthcoming, many conspiracists are convinced that Nixon had advance knowledge of JFK’s assassination. Even more researchers are certain that only the Illuminati had enough power to operate in the shadows of the conspiracy to kill JFK and control all the many disparate elements necessary to manage such a complicated and insidious event.
Researchers point out that the Illuminati wanted Kennedy out of the way because he would have ended the U.S. involvement in Vietnam by 1965. Massive oil fields had been discovered off the coast of South Vietnam, and Rockefeller created high-level concern that the country would be lost to Communism as Cuba had been. After Kennedy was assassinated, the U.S. involvement in Vietnam escalated and “War Is Good Business” became the motto of those Illuminati and CFR members who made billions from the Vietnam bloodbath.
During the 1968 presidential campaign Senator Robert F. Kennedy pledged an honorable end to the conflict in Vietnam, and Martin Luther King assured him that he would deliver the African American vote. Conspiracy researchers feel that there is little doubt that RFK would have been elected to the presidency; however, the Illuminati desired to prolong the conflict in Vietnam, and they wanted Nixon to be their instrument because he was well conditioned to perpetuate their goals. Within a few months both RFK and MLK had been assassinated in two complex conspiracies that have never been resolved to the satisfaction of researchers—unless one considers the involvement of those shadowy figures of the Illuminati who wish a One World Government.
Witnesses have stated that at 5:30 on the morning Nixon achieved the presidency, Nelson Rockefeller and William Rogers (a former U.S. attorney general under President Eisenhower) were in Nixon’s room helping to select the cabinet for his administration. John Mitchell, Rockefeller’s personal attorney, was appointed attorney general; Henry Kissinger was named secretary of state so that the Illuminati could exercise control over U.S. foreign policy. Congress would later come to feel that they were being disrespected, for Nixon would often streamline government policies in illegal measures and bypass the State Department to execute his foreign policies with only Kissinger as his adviser. George H. W. Bush was named the chairman of the Republican Party and later ambassador to the UN, ambassador to China, and director of the CIA. Nixon’s loyal friends H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman became, respectively, his chief of staff and principal domestic policy adviser.
Three days after Nixon’s 1971 State of the Union Address, he made the declaration that the U.S. was being divided into ten federal districts. In February 1972 he signed Executive Order #1147, giving the government the power to accomplish such a division.
Nixon had promised the U.S. public that soon after he assumed office in January 1969 he would begin a massive withdrawal of the 540,000 young Americans who had been deployed to Vietnam. Although he did slowly begin to abide by his word, Nixon also ordered the bombing of Hanoi in 1969. Nixon appeared to be attempting to please his legitimate constituency and the Illuminati overlords at the same time. Against the objections of many of his advisers and a great deal of Congress, Nixon gave lip service to an “honorable end to the war” and conducted the secret bombing of Cambodia simultaneously. To the ever-growing number of war protestors, Nixon’s response was to call them “bums,” and he condemned all protestors and antiwar politicians as disloyal Americans. J. Edgar Hoover, on Nixon’s encouragement, initiated the FBI’s infamous COINTELPRO, in which the government agency was given a free hand to discredit, disrupt, and disband protest groups by any means necessary. It was also about this time that Nixon installed intricate microphones and taping systems in the White House.
A bright spot in the harassed Nixon’s life was blighted when he opened the New York Times on June 12, 1971, to read about his daughter Tricia’s wedding to Edward Cox and viewed a lovely photograph of Tricia and him in the Rose Garden right next to the first installment of the “Pentagon Papers.” Department of Defense employee Daniel Ellsberg had leaked all forty-seven volumes of top-secret documents that exposed how the U.S. government, beginning with the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson, had lied to the American public about the true policies and intentions toward Vietnam. Nixon was furious that information about secret meetings with the Soviets and China, as well as details of the administration’s duplicity regarding Vietnam, should be revealed. He felt national security had been breached, and the administration tried to stop publication of the papers, but they lost the case in court.
As was his style, Nixon next ordered a special investigative team called the “plumbers”—because it was their duty to plug leaks—to get all the dirt on Ellsberg that they could. The plumbers’ membership included the top echelon—Nixon, Haldeman, Kissinger, and Ehrlich-man—and the lower level: Chuck Colson, a White House attorney; G. Gordon Liddy, counsel to the Committee to Re-elect the President; and E. Howard Hunt, a former CIA agent.
The seed for Watergate can be traced back to 1956 when the flamboyant aviator, contractor, and Hollywood playboy Howard Hughes provided Nixon’s brother Donald with a secret loan to help him get his “Nixonburger” restaurants off the ground. Word of this monetary exchange leaked out during the 1960 presidential elections, and the Democrats used it to embarrass Nixon. Later Nixon learned that Democratic Party chairman Lawrence F. O’Brien was being surreptitiously retained by Hughes, and he vowed revenge against O’Brien. After Colson, Liddy, and Hunt managed a successful break-in at the Los Angeles office of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist in September 1971, Nixon ordered another at the Democratic National Committee headquarters at the Watergate apartment complex in Washington, D.C., with the mission of learning any derogatory information that the Democrats might have about the Republicans. The plumbers’ special assignment was to place a bug on the DNC chairman’s telephone. On May 27, 1972, the plumbers accomplished a successful entry into DNC headquarters. On June 17 they returned and were arrested by police.
Conspiracy theorists state that Watergate was orchestrated by the Illuminati, who had decided they had no further use for Nixon. Bruce Herschenson, a Nixon aide, has said that the Watergate break-in was deliberately sabotaged by “a coalition of power groups.” The security chief for the Committee to Reelect the President, James W. McCord Jr., a former CIA agent, has been accused by some of being a double agent who was responsible for tipping off the police the night of the second break-in.
Nixon managed to play innocent initially, and only Liddy, Hunt, and McCord were indicted by a grand jury under Judge John Sirica. Over the next two years, accusations and suspicious were raised innumerable times about the role of the president and several of his aides in the Watergate affair. After a great deal of pressure, White House counsel John Dean, who decided not to become a scapegoat for Nixon, began pointing a finger at his colleagues. Eventually a White House aide mentioned that Nixon tape-recorded nearly all of his conversations, even personal ones, and the smoking gun had been found. After months of evasion, the Supreme Court ruled that Nixon could no longer claim “executive privilege” and must surrender the tapes. If it weren’t for the revelation of the Watergate tapes, Nixon might have survived the scandal of the DNC break-in. On the tapes, the president can be heard attempting to order FBI and CIA officials to interfere with the Watergate investigation. He can be heard using foul language and making anti-Semitic and racist comments. Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974, to avoid impeachment by the full House of Representatives and trial by the Senate.
Conspiracists list a number of possible reasons why the Illuminati disposed of Nixon:
- Nixon’s ego was growing over his foreign policy accomplishments with China, and he was considering dumping Kissinger, the Illuminati’s agent in the White House, and assuming complete control.
- After Nixon’s first vice president, Spiro Agnew, was forced to resign because of income tax evasion, the Illuminati wanted Nelson Rockefeller as his successor, who would become president should Nixon die in office. Nixon instead named Gerald Ford, who, when he became president upon Nixon’s resignation, did appoint Rockefeller to the vice presidency. On September 5, 1974, Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, one of the Charles Manson Family, attempted to shoot President Ford. On September 22 Sara Jane Moore, also a member of the Family, tried to assassinate Ford. When questioned about her motives, Moore said that she was attempting to elevate Nelson Rockefeller to the presidency.
- Nixon was becoming too personally ambitious and believing too greatly in his own power to accomplish change.
A very interesting piece of Nixon tape was revealed on March 23, 2005, by Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball of Newsweek/MSNBC. Nixon’s White House secretary, Rosemary Woods, was a follower of the psychic/astrologer Jeane Dixon, and on May 4, 1971, she brought the seeress together with her boss for a thirty-six-minute session. During the meeting Dixon said that the Lord intended Nixon to be great and that he was in power now to lead everyone to Christ, the prince of the universe.
About two weeks later, on May 21, 1971, James Reston wrote in the New York Times that Nixon “would obviously like to preside over the creation of a new world order.”
At that time, aggressive members of the Illuminati had scheduled an established One World Government by a target date of 1976. They did not wish to have competition from Nixon. And they certainly didn’t relish the thought of Nixon leading the world to “Christ, the prince of the universe,” for their god is “Satan, prince of the universe.”
Richard M. Nixon died on April 22, 1994, in New York City, and on April 27 was buried on the grounds of the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California, next to his beloved First Lady, Pat.