Televidenie I Radioveshchanie

Televidenie I Radioveshchanie


(Television and Radio Broadcasting), a monthly illustrated literary-critical and theoretical journal published by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Television and Radio. Televidente i Radioveshchanie has been published since 1952 in Moscow; from 1952 to 1956 it was called V pomoshch’ mestnomu radio-veshchaniiu (In Support of Local Radio Broadcasting), and from 1957 to 1970, Sovetskoe radio i televidente (Soviet Radio and Television).

The journal deals with problems connected with the development of television and radio as mass media and with the mutual influence of broadcasting and various art forms. It regularly prints letters from viewers and listeners. It is intended for both specialists and the general reader. Circulation, 50,000 (1975).