scrape the bottom of the barrel

scrape the bottom of the barrel

To use or select from the last or worst of the resources or options from a particular range or set, even if they are not satisfactory, because there are no others to choose from. We used to get hundreds of qualified candidates, but lately I feel like we've been scraping the bottom of the barrel with the applicants we bring in. A: "These were the best you could get?" B: "Sorry, the selection was already picked through, so I really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel even to find those."See also: barrel, bottom, of, scrape

scrape the bottom of the barrel

to select from among the worst; to choose from what is left over. You've bought a bad-looking car. You really scraped the bottom of the barrel to get that one. The worker you sent over was the worst I've ever seen. Send me anotherand don't scrape the bottom of the barrel.See also: barrel, bottom, of, scrape

scrape the bottom of the barrel

tv. to utilize the last or only things or people available, even if unsatisfactory. (see also bottom of the barrel.) They were really scraping the bottom of the barrel when they picked you. See also: barrel, bottom, of, scrape

bottom of the barrel, scrape the

Obtain the last dregs, the least desirable remains. The sediment of wine was likened to the lowest, most despicable elements of society nearly two thousand years ago by Cicero. The metaphor remains current.See also: bottom, of, scrape